Wednesday 2 October 2024


 WOYWW 800 post celebrations...

Well fancy being part of a group who has been posting  and sharing their work desks once a week for 800 posts - wonderful! 

I have been involved since January 2010.... .

twiglet: What's on your workdesk Wednesday! (

The link takes you to that first post. Looking back through my old posts was fun. I was amazed at how many things I had made and shared with my WOYWW buddies over the years...

My needle felting machine. You might remember we referred to needle felting as dumfing.. it's the noise you make as you felt the wool to the base fabric.

A few things that I decorated with dumfing. . 

And then I found this photo....

A mermaid tail that I made and modelled for you.🤣

And just a few more random bits and bobs..  .

Sock dolls

Katie Morag doll

and outfit - made lots of times!

I don't know how I found the time to produce the multitude of items shared in my old posts but it has certainly kept me busy and it's lovely to share with others.

So, thanks to Julia and now Sarah for keeping us all going.
Annie and I raised a glass to you all last night when she came round whilst the men were at footie.
xx Jo


Helen said...

I came across your name on the early posts I found at Julia's, when I started - such a fun time for such a long time! my messy floor is the same now (worse, probably) as it was in 2010 when I started! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Sarah Brennan said...

I remember the dumfing at the first crop I came to Jo. Thanks for sharing your WOYWW memories. Hugs and Happy 800th WOYWW. Sarah

Annie said...

It's been such fun looking back Jo even if some of the things we made came as a surprise even to us :-)
Annie x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Happy 800! Thank you for being such a staunch supporter and friend over the years. It was fab to see all your old makes, I love the Katie Morag doll and outfits a lot, they’re just right but the other dolls were fab too, I don’t remember seeing them, maybe before I joined in the madness.
We’ll definitely catch up soon!
Happy 800, sending love and hugs,
LLJ 4 xxx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Happy 800 WOYWW, just think you have a dumfing machine I remember doing it with you by hand at the crop at Llundudno. I think your sock dollies are the cutest, but also love the bag you made with the felted sweater in an early post gorgeous 😍
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well!
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh how fun....looking back sure was a simpler time for me. I so much enjoyed all the years of your friendship. Good to see you off and on on FB. Surprise....had been thinking about this WOYWW group and had some time it's 4 am here and Bailey awoke me ! Even forgot how to blog......sign in....Made a quick copy of my 1st post and added a few lines....FORGOT a NEW PHOTO...maybe next week. WISHING you the best and I have missed all of you and your fun posts.

Neet said...

Needle felting? What's that? Since knowing you it has always and will always be 'dumfing'. It's the perfect word and that is what is on my label.
Gosh I remember those dolls, I loved them and marvelled at your talent. Certainly remember Katie Morag.
Thanks Jo for all those years of friendship.
Hugs, Neet 14 xx