Wednesday, 5 February 2025



Good morning all.

It's a flower fest for you today.

The stunning roses were given to me by my little sis.  I've never had such beautiful roses. They have opened slowly and are jewel-like in colours.  So far they have lasted nearly a week and look just as fresh and lovely.

On Sunday we went for a long walk around Attingham Park so that we could see the snowdrops. They were wonderful, stretching over acres of wooded ground. The blue sky and warm sunshine made it a perfect trip out 
And then, look! I have daffs in full bloom in my garden as well as some primroses. It seems early but I suppose we haven't had a a very cold winter.

Lastly, this is the last little, fluffy sheep creme egg cover that I made last night..

I now have about 60 covers in two baskets ready for the charity..

So that's it for this week 
I hope you are all well and looking forward to Springtime just around the corner.
 x x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday, 29 January 2025


Good morning all and welcome to our Wednesday desk share.

Well, I'm sorry to say, not much has been happening apart from a big boost to Tilly Tea Dance's stock of Inspiration packs. They are simply tiny bags with a colour coordinated selection of fluff and yarn. I made about 30 this week in pinks, lilacs, yellows and a red/ green poppy pack.

I hope they provide inspiration for Tilly's students on her workshops. Each pack has a piece of prefelt and just enough bits and bobs to create a tiny work of art or to add to a bigger project 

I was given this polyester cushion filling this week.
Three big bags full! I only use tiny amounts for my little knitties so this lot may last a lifetime 🤣
The packs are those bags that you can suck the air out with a vacuum hose. I did just that but as I put them on top of my wardrobe I could hear a light hissing sound. The following morning they were back to the size you see now. Mmm. Id better get stuffing!
So that's me for this week 
Have a good week 
x x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday, 22 January 2025


Here we go again, sharing our work desks with our crafty blog friends and anyone else who cares to pop in.

I finished transferring all my yarn from bags to boxes. It looks a lot tidier now. 

I just need to get knitting and use it up. Much of the yarn was donated so it will continue to be used to make twiddle mitts, Easter egg covers and little hearts.

Here a few of my latest little knits.

They all stand nicely with a creme egg inside them. I just hope I can resist eating them before they go to our local cancer support charity.😀

I didn't take photos of my other task. Tilly has lots of workshops over the next few months so I spent a whole day cutting fabric and card to go in each pack along with a  pre felt square and a fluff of white merino. I made 50 packs!

So that's me for this week 

Have a good week 

x x  Jo 🌈 

Wednesday, 15 January 2025


Well that week flew by didn't it!

I managed to edge all of Tilly's bookmarks and she has them ready to go on her website.

So this week I have done a bit of sorting and clearing in my sewing room. I bought some boxes to put my knitting yarn in colours in my cupboard. I only bought three just in case it didn't work so now I need to buy two more to finish the job. They are 25 L boxes so you can imagine how much yarn I need to control.🤣

I have been using up some of it with these creme Easter egg covers....

This is the primrose design which is a new one. I thought they would look nice dotted amongst a box of these ...

I am hoping to get out and about a bit more this week. My car was totally frozen up last week.

Below is the bush outside my garage.It is totally frosted over and looked as if it was covered in blossom. Thankfully, it's back to its usual evergreen this week.

Well that's me for this week.
Have a good week.
x x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday, 8 January 2025


Well here we are again, sharing our crafty desks into 2025. Thanks to Sarah for linking us all up on her Sarah's Craft Shed blog. Do join in if you want to meet a few crafty folks who like to share their crafty activity.

This is my work table loaded with Tilly's latest bookmarks. I love the Starry night ones- the new range 😃 I think I have about 40 to edge in toning colours so that will keep me quiet for a day or two.

Below are the latest fluff rainbows 🌈 They are all ready to put into bags for her Shropshire Hills workshop.
And lastly....
I knitted two little jumpers for my God daughter and her sister.
I love the little lacey panels but it certainly took a bit of concentration!

So that's me for this week.

I hope you are managing to keep cosy and the weather hasn't been too problematic for you.

x x Jo 🌈