Wednesday 25 September 2024


 Happy WOYWW - our desk share day.

Well, it is a desk share if there is anything of interest on your desk!

I was away in Yorkshire for a few days last week and my desk is empty.

However, we did have a lovely few days meeting up with old friends and a bit of sight seeing at some of our favourite places.

We stayed in Pickering and just had to visit the North York Moors steam railway.

It was a glorious day and we even managed a climb round Pickering Castle getting a tan in the process!

The next day was more typical of our early Autumn weather so we took the bus over the moors.

We climbed the 199 steps up to Whitby Abbey. It was well worth the effort. The views from the top were great and I loved the museum as it had lots of interesting locally found artifacts. It always fascinates me to see all the tiny bits and bobs of personal items discovered around the area.

Before we came home, we had a misty, moisty walk around Goathland. In the middle of nowhere, along an old track, we came across a farm. Well, slightly more than a farm .  

This is what G noticed on the side of a big shed.

He insisted that he had no idea it was there!

I'm still not sure I believe him.

Needless to say he was thrilled and we spent a happy half hour whilst he browsed the extremely well stocked model shop and then walked down to an old walkers pub for a shandy.

So that's me for this week.

Today I will be sharing my work room with Max as we are having a staff meeting🤣🤣

Have a good week all 

x x Jo 🌈 


Helen said...

I've never been to Whitby. It looks fabulous and he weather seemed to be kind to you. How fortunate that G found a model shop! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Lisca said...

A lot of people seem to be on holiday (as am I), as September is a good time to go (as soon as the children go back to school). You have visited some interesting places.
I'm in Lisbon and it rained yesterday. I haven't got as jacket with me, only a cardigan (September in southern Europe is always warm), so I got quite wet.
I had to smile at the model railway shop. Happy hubby, happy wife!
Enjoy the rest of your holiday,
Happy WOYWW,
Lisca #4

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Yeah right, that model shop was totally an accident, lol!! Hope had a happy time in there, I was brave and passed up an opportunity to go to a fabric warehouse yesterday, it was a fine day so we went to Raglan Castle instead after a lovely morning in Hereford. I love Whitby, one of my fav places in the UK. The church up near the Abbey is fascinating with all sorts of maritime memorials and original box pews #historygeek!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx