Wednesday, 14 July 2021



Good morning all.

Today, keeping in the footie theme  (as if we haven't had enough!), my latest twiddler is a Shrewsbury Town Football Club version. 

Ages ago, the STFC were kind enough to give me lots of bits and bobs to embellish them with. I have just about run out so, this time, I knitted ball bobbles and printed on fabric, pictures of old footie boots etc. I always think those old leather buttons look like the old style footballs.

Now some of you will remember that pristine, white Crafty Cover that I made for the business end of my ironing board where I tend to do odd jobs like cutting and sticking. It might sound odd - I do have a big table in my sewing room but the board is just the right height.

You can tell it's had good use - hence the melted Vilene, glue and felt pen.
But, note the bottom left hand corner. Annie will laugh at me for this.

I was carefully cutting out a few small items on my cover until it dawned on me that the fabric seemed a bit thick!

Hence the beautifully zig-zagged join holding the slashed piece together again.

What am I like! Answers on a postcard please.

I hope you all enjoyed the amazing tennis and brilliant footie 

Our youngsters deserve praise for giving so many folk such a lot to celebrate over the last month.

And maybe a few folk need reminding that " It's not the winning but the taking part" that matters.

Have a great week.

xx Jo


Annie said...

My answer isn’t printable but all I will say is I hope you use your careful hands when you cut my hair tomorrow 😂😂😂
Annie x

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

I'm distracted by Annies comment above hee heee... Knitted bobble balls sure is a mouthful to say, i'm glad i'm typing it!! Fab little twiddler.
Happy WoywW Tracey #9 xx

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. We actually didn't watch any of the tennis or football. Big cycling and F1 fans here, so that has kept us busy. How on earth do you knit such small footballs?! Ali x #14

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That made me laugh in recognition as I’ve stern done much the same thing! And you think I’d learn but no, it seems that I manage to forget and then curse all over again when it reoccurs! The STFC twiddler is fantastic and those teeny tiny foot balls are great fun!
HUgs LLJ 12 xx

Neet said...

It definitely is the taking part that counts! We got in the finals and we held our own all the way through the match so the lads should be proud of what they have done.
That's a lovely bright Twiddlemitt - love the ball bobbles.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Those little balls are wonderful. They really DO look like soccer balls to me. and your latest twiddler is wonderful. Yes, children need praise far more than they need discipline. Happy WOYWW from # 6.

Julia Dunnit said...

You’re right, our youngsters have really been glorious! Your crafty cover accident sounds horribly familiar, I’m surprised it was such a quick realisation…pretty sure I could have cut another 10 or so centimetres before it twigged!! Loving the footy twiddler, it sets off a whole other train of ideas doesn’t it, sporting styles!

Helen said...

Oh no!! Such a shame about the football and as for the aftermath!! Love the twiddler . Helen #2

Diana Taylor said...

That's a fabulous twiddler - what amazing little footballs. I had to laugh at your mishap having done similar and cut through half my mum's table cloth while sewing at the dining table - I was making curtains and managed a beautiful cut nearly 3 feet long before I realised!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #19

Crafting With Jack said...

A great twiddler and yes I have cut through the layer underneath before, so vexing! Happy WOYWW Angela #7

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

That's a brilliant footie twiddler! Like the little footballs on it! Your little accident reminds me of someone who was sewing something on her lap and managed to stich it to her clothes - and it wasn't me! Although it does sound something that I might do LOL! Have a happy week, Jo! xx zsuzsa #24

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I like that crafty cover !! In fact I have an old sheet I think I'll do this with, as you say the right height and contains the mess. Enjoy a great weekend.

Lynn Holland said...

Twiddly footballs, well there’s a thing you don’t see every day haha.
Hope you don’t mess Annie’s hair up with your scissors - gulp xx

Sarah Brennan said...

It was indeed an amazing weekend of sport Jo. Love the latest twiddle mitt. I have a few magnetic sheets from my die cutter that have been mended with thin tape underneath after having an item die cut from them by mistake lol. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Jennifer Robert said...

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Shoshi said...

Lovely football twiddler, Jo, and I laughed at your crafty cover! Zsuzsa mentioned someone sewing something to her clothes - I've done that!! I also got into BIG trouble with my dad many years ago for running one of those spiky transfer wheels over some fabric on the dining table, leaving little trails of holes. He was NOT happy... We ought to have a section on WOYWW where we Tell All about our various crafty mishaps!

I can tell you what you are like. You are a CUT above the rest lol!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #18

Susan Renshaw said...

The accident made me smile anyway - so easily done!!

Love the football twiddler!

Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Susan #23
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Spyder said...

Oh no I didn't comment again! Sorry! I love the little footballs and the colours are just perfect! (Hope Annie still has hair!) Stay Safe, keep on Crafting and happy last weeks WOYWW! ((Lyn))