Wednesday 28 August 2024


 Happy WOYWW everyone 

We are sharing our work spaces with anyone who pops in to see what we are up to. If you want to join in, visit Sarah's Craft Shed and link up.

Last week I had my box of lacey bits and bobs out and made a little card with tiny scraps, buttons and embroidery. Maxine has made lots like this over the years and I had one of hers to give me an idea.

So here is the finished one...

My friend loved it, so, I am going to make a few more.

I also made a denim bottle bag for the Pimm's that I gave her for her birthday..

I left it fairly plain as I thought it could then be re used and is unisex.

A great way to re-cycle the leg of a pair of old jeans.

So that's me for this week.

Have a great week. 

x x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday 21 August 2024


 Good morning everyone. Here we are again sharing our work spaces. If you want to join in then pop over to Sarah's Craftshed. It's always nice to meet new crafters and we are a welcoming bunch.πŸ˜ƒ

I am having a quiet, chill out week as my friends and family have left me to my own devices and gone on holiday!

Tilly left a few pictures for me to mount and frame. I love these little felted coastal landscapes.

Yesterday I prepared a collage ready to embroider for my friends birthday. 

I have a box of lacey bits and bobs that I dipped into for little trimmings.

I will take a photo to show and tell next week ( hoping I remember πŸ˜ƒ)

So that's me for this week.

I hope you are all well and enjoying the summer.

X x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday 14 August 2024


 Good morning all.

I hope you are all able to enjoy this lovely weather. Its definitely been a bit to warm to spend much time in my sewing room. I have got a few projects in mind, hence the fabrics below, but seem to lack a bit of motivation.

I cut out some little fabric hearts with the Cuttlebug. They have Bondaweb on the back, so they are all ready to iron onto some little denim purses.
On the right you can see a pile of tiny mounts waiting to taped ready for Tilly to frame her tiny sheep pictures - or maybe waiting for me to frame them ready to go off to a shop in the Dales!

I have, however, managed a bit of gentle knitting and made two little cardigans for my friend's little granddaughter. This is such a quick and easy pattern - we love it don't we Jan!

This one is much trickier and the edging seems to take forever.

Both cardigans have helped me reduce my stash of yarn so that's all good.

That will be all my crafting for this week.

Today I will be playing table tennisπŸ˜ƒ

Sadly, the rest of the week won't be so much fun as we have a funeral to attend.

Make the best of every day.

Hoping you are all well.

x x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday 7 August 2024


 Happy WOYWW everyone.

This week I seem to have been busy with all sorts of fun activities including Nanny duties 

We had a great day out in Manchester, taking the train and visiting various museums. The hands on activities in the Science and Industry Museum were fun. Ben enjoyed having a go on each of around thirty activities. 

We used his drawing board to list all we had seen. 

Then he used it to sketch this. ..

He says there are about six different animals within this. Can you spot them all?

Elephant, snake, squirrel, tortoise, bear and whale?

When he came to stay, he brought his Home Bargains table tennis net, bat and balls. Of course we don't have a table tennis table but G used a piece of board and transformed the patio table so we could play a ping pong tournament.πŸ“ Much fun was had by all.

So that's me for this week. No crafting but lots of fun!

Enjoy the sunshine.

x x Jo