Wednesday 31 July 2024


 Here I am again.

I was on Nanny duty last week for a few days.

Of course that means very little crafting has gone on. My table stands empty.

My little buddy however, was busy with the Fimo and his drawing pens. He made a big table game plan and modelled several Pokemon figures to play on it.

He also tired me out with bat and ball games in the garden. His skills have improved rapidly and I can't keep up with him. He devised an aiming game where he stood at one end of the lawn and hit his ball to the little "house" on the bird table in the centre of the lawn. Foolishly, I said that if he could aim it through the house five times, I would give him a fiver. Through sheer determination he managed to score 11! I won't be so generous next time.🀣

We did have a couple of outings.

Shrewsbury Quarry Dingle garden looking lovely..

And Much Wenlock. A pretty Shropshire town with lots of reminders that the modern Olympics began here 

So that's me for this week 

Enjoy the sunshine.

x x Jo 🌈 

Wednesday 17 July 2024


 Good morning all.

These WOYWWs come around all too quickly these days.  I love to see what you are all up to but it only seems like yesterday that I was composing my last Wednesday post.

It has been a busy week and my sewing room has actually seen action this week. πŸ˜ƒ

I've been finishing off some lacey bunting for a sale for the Harry Johnson fund.

Then I made some little bags too. One sold before I actually finished them 🀣

All the fabric was gifted so it all helps raise funds for a brilliant local cancer charity.

Along with the sewing, I managed a couple of dyeing sessions for Tilly Tea Dance.

It's all a bit random and chemistry was never my strong point.... but I seem to gauge just the right amount of dye for the colours Max asks for.🀣

So that's me for this week.
Let's hope we get a little more sunshine and a little less rain this week. 
Have a good week.
xx Jo

Wednesday 10 July 2024


 Good morning all.

I had a busy week last week and spent Wednesday morning helping Tilly Tea Dance set up her exhibition at Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre.

Her display looked wonderful and she sold two pictures before they even made it onto the wall!

Hopefully the rest will sell quickly too 

This is just a small section of her display.

I have spent the last few days preparing workshop packs and inspiration packs for her.

Yesterday I stitched brooch backs onto her little sheep brooches ready for their trip up to the Old School Gallery at Muker in the Yorkshire Dales. If you are in the area it's worth a visit as it has lots of wonderful local artwork.

Here's my desk ready for stitchy action.....

And here is my box of silky Madeira threads that I use for edging these bookmarks....

Today I will be mostly relaxing and watching  tennis and football. I think I deserve a restπŸ˜ƒ

I hope you are all well and enjoying the sport and some summer weather 

Have great week 

x x Jo