Wednesday 14 August 2024


 Good morning all.

I hope you are all able to enjoy this lovely weather. Its definitely been a bit to warm to spend much time in my sewing room. I have got a few projects in mind, hence the fabrics below, but seem to lack a bit of motivation.

I cut out some little fabric hearts with the Cuttlebug. They have Bondaweb on the back, so they are all ready to iron onto some little denim purses.
On the right you can see a pile of tiny mounts waiting to taped ready for Tilly to frame her tiny sheep pictures - or maybe waiting for me to frame them ready to go off to a shop in the Dales!

I have, however, managed a bit of gentle knitting and made two little cardigans for my friend's little granddaughter. This is such a quick and easy pattern - we love it don't we Jan!

This one is much trickier and the edging seems to take forever.

Both cardigans have helped me reduce my stash of yarn so that's all good.

That will be all my crafting for this week.

Today I will be playing table tennis😃

Sadly, the rest of the week won't be so much fun as we have a funeral to attend.

Make the best of every day.

Hoping you are all well.

x x Jo 🌈 


Helen said...

it's been way too hot here but luckily it didn't last long. still not spent much time crafting though. cute cardigans. happy WOYWW and enjoy table tennis! Helen # 1

My name is Cindy said...

It was a bit too hot to enjoy, more like survive lol. But staying still in the shade worked OK for me. Very sweet cardigans. Table Tennis sounds very energetic - enjoy!! Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #4

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You’ve got some sweet things on show this week! I love the little hearts, I didn’t realise you could cut out fabric with a Cuttlebug, that must save a lot of time and effort! They’ll be perfect for little purses. How fab that Tilly’s artwork is on sale in the Dales, bet they go like hot cakes. And I love that little cardi pattern so much and am so grateful that you shared it with me, no sewing up is the way to go, lol!! Have fun with the table tennis, hope it doesn’t get too hot.
Hugs LLJ 8 xx

Annie said...

Loving the knitties and hope you enjoy your day.
Annie x

Crafting With Jack said...

Lovely knitting! Table tennis sounds very energetic. Have fun x Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

Lynnecrafts said...

Beautiful knitting, Jo. I hope you enjoy your table tennis. Sorry to hear you’ve a funeral to come.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 11xx

Lisa-Jane said...

What a beautiful colour those cardis are?! Very cute designs too. I hope the funeral goes the best that these things can and that it was a peaceful passing. Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #9

Lindart said...

Such cute little cardigans! I learned how to knot by making baby clothes! But I don't do it anymore. Sorry about the funeral, hope it goes well. Enjoy your Table Tennis! Have a wonderful week! Lindart #16

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jo, I love your little cardigans they are so sweet. For me the weather has been better today as it's not been so hot. I'm not a big lover of heat and amanaged to do some ironing, gardening and cooking today. Hope the funneral goes well. Wishing you a happy woyww, Angela x12x

Susan Renshaw said...

What pretty cardigans!
My post was done on my phone and so ended up with several errors - notably a missing link. It is there now!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #3

Sarah Brennan said...

Beautiful cardigans Jo. I am sure you will find a way to make up for the yarn used - doesn't it self replicate like my crafting supplies lol? Sorry that you have a funeral to attend. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

BJ said...

What adorable cardis love the coral pink colour. Cuttlebug fabric hearts with bondaweb on the back you say, great idea, must give it a go in my Cuttlebug. Hugs BJ#9