Wednesday 7 August 2024


 Happy WOYWW everyone.

This week I seem to have been busy with all sorts of fun activities including Nanny duties 

We had a great day out in Manchester, taking the train and visiting various museums. The hands on activities in the Science and Industry Museum were fun. Ben enjoyed having a go on each of around thirty activities. 

We used his drawing board to list all we had seen. 

Then he used it to sketch this. ..

He says there are about six different animals within this. Can you spot them all?

Elephant, snake, squirrel, tortoise, bear and whale?

When he came to stay, he brought his Home Bargains table tennis net, bat and balls. Of course we don't have a table tennis table but G used a piece of board and transformed the patio table so we could play a ping pong tournament.🏓 Much fun was had by all.

So that's me for this week. No crafting but lots of fun!

Enjoy the sunshine.

x x Jo 


Helen said...

looks like your Nanny duties are lots of fun, the museum seems to have been a big hit! table tennis in the garden too. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Neet said...

Manchester Science Museum is a fabulous place - full of interactive games whilst providing a valuable learning tool. I just wish more people knew of it and visited. Ideal to take the kids during the summer holidays. When we changed over to 'technology' at school we had a trip there with our faculty and had a great day out. Gosh that is many many years ago.
Love the table tennis table - clever idea.
Still looking for the whale.
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Our lads enjoyed the Manchester science museum too, that was a few years ago though! I liked Ben’s drawing very much, that’s so clever and it was great to see the Make Do and Mend table tennis, we do have a proper table in the garage and love playing, though not quite up to the standard of the Olympic teams, how they see the ball is beyond me!
Hugs LLJ 3 xx

Lynnecrafts said...

You and Ben did a lot on your trip to Manchester! I loved his drawing - very clever, as was your diy ping pong table.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 9 xx

Sarah Brennan said...

What a great time you have been having on Nanny duty Jo. My boys used to love that museum in Manchester too. Clever Ben with his multi animal drawing. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Gosh! it's a long time since I was in Manchester, sounds like you had a good time. You have to be very imaginative with Nanny duties to keep them occupied. Happy woyww, Angela x10x

Annie said...

It's good to see you've been enjoying your Nanny duties.
Annie x

Lisa-Jane said...

I enjoyed trying to find those animals - what a great (and quiet!) game he's invented there! Sending everyone a peaceful week, Lisa-Jane #12

Spyder said...

I think I spy a tiger too. Lots of fun had by all! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))#14

Crafting With Jack said...

Well, the snake, elephant, bear and squirrel (except I thought it was a cat!) I spotted straight away. Then I thought I could see a penguin🧐, I read a bit further and saw the list and found the tortoise, I think I see the whale, but not if it’s a whole one 🤣. Great fun! Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

BJ said...

Oh my goodness I got gorilla, elephant, penguin, racoon, eagle and hyena! Super drawing though.. Hugs BJ#8 said...

That's so cool and you can't beat a science museum, we used to love going to the one in London. A great transformation too and they look like they are having so much fun with that great bargain of a set you bought! Have a great rest of the weekend Michelle#13

Susan Renshaw said...

Always loved that hands on science museum. We used to take our kids regularly when we lived in Macclesfield. Loved the animals drawing too
Happy WOYWW! Susan #1