I love my little Hellebore plants with their delicate blooms of soft greens and purples.
Mum always called them Christmas roses and believe it or not the white ones have been in bloom from October and are still glorious now! So, they were definitely in bloom over Christmas and survived the hard winter!
We have always said, today March 21st, is the first day of Spring and at last my garden is beginning to show signs of it. The crocus are in full bloom, their yellow and purple petals giving a splash of colour in otherwise drab flower beds.
My dainty purple irises have filled the pots beside my back door with a mass of tiny blooms and look wonderful.
My Stellata magnolia has fuzzy little buds and I have one or two red anemones showing too. Amazing, when you think of the hard frosts and snow they all have had to survive. It always reminds me of the line in an assembly song we used to sing ...
Under the blanket of gentle snow, secretly, softly, the green shoots grow.
Do we ever doubt that Spring will follow Winter?
Purple is definitely the colour of the day - these are the cards that I have been making.
Have a great week and thanks for calling.
I love Hellebores too! I have lots of the purple ones and am encouraging them to seed and spread around - they're just poking their flowery heads up now in the sunnier parts of the garden! xx
I love all sorts of flowers but these come with sad memories for me. A x
Hellebores are so so pretty but we had to dig all ours up as our daughter had a terrible rash after picking them. Love your cards, so lovely.
The cards are lovely - all the more so for being purple!
What beautiful flowers you have...I think this is my first time seeing Hellebores...gorgeous as are your cards...Happy Spring...Shelly
love your "Springy" look over here..... beautiful colours. We had "freezing drizzle" as they are calling it, for our first day of spring. Our shady spots still have frozen lumps of snow...the grass ..oh, my ...is that grass?!! is ugly, brown, matted and littered with zillions of fir cones from the neighbour's trees....... sigh.... I see hours of work to coax anything beautiful out of that mess............. but, when it warms and I can do things with it.....I certainly will be out there talking to plants and grasses.....
but...today...I think I'll sit in the cozy kitchen...muffins baking.... stitching on a bunny foot......
Your cards are unique and spectacular. Those flowers ar very cool too, can't remember seeing anthing like that in our part of the world. I will be checking on them, they are very interesting.
I like hellebores too - they appear so bravely when other flowers are still too scared to come out! I even dug some up from my old garden to bring here with us and they seem to be as happy as we are to be here.
If it's nice tomorrow I'll go out and take a photo of our lovely red, if rather "stunted" tulips!
Hi ,just popped over from the vintage heart ,thanks for lovely comment. you are so talented, your felt pictures are beautiful , i shall pop back soon.. best wishes.
Ooh! How can you NOT rate Hellebores!! I'm off to give that sister of yours a talking to!!
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