On the left is the little hoodie that I have nearly finished for P. It just needs 6 buttons, which I hope to get in town today.
On the right under the machine is the roman blind that I am making for M's next door neighbour. I think I have served my apprenticeship in roman blind making now - 24 at the last count!!!! This one will soon be finished and off to Shrewsbury for fitting in S's study.
Oh and the finished journal on the window sill which I attempted to put in our blog shop - think Wipso will have to pop over and tidy the shelves as I am not so clever at arranging the gifts so neatly!!
Now I have to fold them all carefully and replace them in the box!!
Also next to the hoodie you can see the items I bought from our local pound shop.
A cute little felt basket which will be perfect to hold the little egg cosy I crocheted for P. - and a choc. egg of course.
10 Easter cards and envelopes - (I know you wonderful card makers will be horrified but I loved the pics and thought I would find a use for them somewhere!)
A page of Easter stickers - my infants teaching niece might be interested in these.
I also bought a pack of self adhesive photo paper and a pack of 6 padded posting bags -6" square. All items a pound each so I think I did well. What do you think?
I am posting this early so that I can get off to town for buttons and a wedding album for M's gorgeous dumfed cover. I might just nip over to Julia's blog first and see what everyone else has on their desk today.
Thanks for popping in - Have a great day!
Gosh you're busy Twiggers. I love the little hoddie for the baby, my baby had on ein pink and we stitched on a load of those little ribbon roses..it ended up being called her film star jacket! Like the look of your £1 bargains, you realise you plan to give most of it away!
Lots on the go as always Twiglet. If only they knew just how much fabric we have between us eh? Mine of course is never as organised and colour coordinated as yours though. :-)
A x
oh my, wish a could knit! well...wish I had time to knit!
Very scarrrry bunny....
great pile of fabrics there. I can't sew to save my life, I am sooo impressed!
Love the hoodie, but also the material under the machine for the blind is really lovely...can you make one for me too????
Blimey ... you are one busy WOYWWer .... I may need a lie down and I all I did was read what you had to do ... fair wore me out it did :0)
you craft sisters are always so busy busy busy... i love that box of fabric it looks very tactile and the colours are so scrummy. That little cardigan will look lovely on little P - i've seen pics of her and she's such a cutie - she'll look sweet in it!!!
You are clever making blinds - me? I go to ikea and get one that 'hopefully' fits.
Paula x x x
Your little hoodie looks so cute. Hugs Pam
That baby hoody is so cute and your material box is so strokable. You are so busy ...how do you keep track of all the things you have to make.
You've got a nice little hoard there Twiglet!
This is great - however much have you got going on here hun, busy, busy, busy!!! Great buys from the pound shop, love the felt basket especially.
Sam x
Thank you very much for the award, it really is very kind of you. I'm sooooo happy that so many are enjoying the 20 mins thing. It makes me feel all squidgy inside :)
Oooooh your little cardi looks so snuggly & warm. Just love the colour. Your fabrics look beautiful. :) Well done on your bargins.xx
Ooops forgot to say I just love the look of your journal.xx
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