Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Blizzards, blog shop and brooches!
WOYWW - dumflings and a mistake!
So, what can you see today then?
A few gorgeous yarns that I may use for dumfing or crazy felt later.
Eight of my latest brooches with a little dumfling, silk, beads and embroidery. I think I will choose a few for the blog shop and refill the gift shelf. One of Wipso's customers saw the real brooches and bought 3 last week!!!
To the right is a deconstructed fabric rose. ( ie I pulled it apart!!) I have ironed the petals and thought I might combine it with a dumfling and some embroidery to make a brooch/corsage. We are still planning our wedding shelf and have lots of ideas whizzing round. Join in if you have any great ideas to share with us - just pop over to our Bridal Challenge - we will be giving our little gifts to the best ideas soon!
At the top of my picture you can see some pretty shell pendants that I bought online from a bead company. Unfortunately I didn't look at the measurements - I just imagined they would be smaller and thought they might be nice additions to my brooches. Ha! The flippin things are about 2 inches across ( well they would be - they are pendants - I hear you say!!) They were really cheap so I am not bothered but I hope you like them Wipso - cos I bought a set for you too!!!
Time for me to head off to Julia's blog and play with Mr Linky. Come with me and have a look at all the fab things other folk have been up to...... WOYWW
Saturday, 27 March 2010
My blue phase
I wonder if I can use them as inspiration for my craft work. Maybe a wisp or two of silk might "dumf" nicely - watch this space!
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Latest challenge!
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Things to do on WOYWW.
Sunday, 21 March 2010
First Day of Spring?
I love my little Hellebore plants with their delicate blooms of soft greens and purples.
Mum always called them Christmas roses and believe it or not the white ones have been in bloom from October and are still glorious now! So, they were definitely in bloom over Christmas and survived the hard winter!
We have always said, today March 21st, is the first day of Spring and at last my garden is beginning to show signs of it. The crocus are in full bloom, their yellow and purple petals giving a splash of colour in otherwise drab flower beds.
My dainty purple irises have filled the pots beside my back door with a mass of tiny blooms and look wonderful.
My Stellata magnolia has fuzzy little buds and I have one or two red anemones showing too. Amazing, when you think of the hard frosts and snow they all have had to survive. It always reminds me of the line in an assembly song we used to sing ...
Under the blanket of gentle snow, secretly, softly, the green shoots grow.
Do we ever doubt that Spring will follow Winter?
Purple is definitely the colour of the day - these are the cards that I have been making.
Have a great week and thanks for calling.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Bridal department challenge.....

The above pic shows some of the beautiful items we already make. These include bridal keepsakes, like hearts and little bears, ring cushions, wedding memory journals, wedding cards and brooches. So, now we want to extend our range so that we can create a new, well stocked bridal shelf.
We both have lots of ideas but would like to throw the challenge open to you wonderful, creative folk out there. We would appreciate your comments/feedback and any ideas, on a bridal theme, you have to offer.
We will give a little gift to the 3 ideas we like the best, so please put your thinking caps on.
We have had such lovely feedback and brilliant ideas that have helped us over the last months and feel we have made some wonderful friends through the contact you have made with us. Thanks lots.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Before and after - WOYWW
On the left is the little hoodie that I have nearly finished for P. It just needs 6 buttons, which I hope to get in town today.
On the right under the machine is the roman blind that I am making for M's next door neighbour. I think I have served my apprenticeship in roman blind making now - 24 at the last count!!!! This one will soon be finished and off to Shrewsbury for fitting in S's study.
Oh and the finished journal on the window sill which I attempted to put in our blog shop - think Wipso will have to pop over and tidy the shelves as I am not so clever at arranging the gifts so neatly!!
Now I have to fold them all carefully and replace them in the box!!
Also next to the hoodie you can see the items I bought from our local pound shop.
A cute little felt basket which will be perfect to hold the little egg cosy I crocheted for P. - and a choc. egg of course.
10 Easter cards and envelopes - (I know you wonderful card makers will be horrified but I loved the pics and thought I would find a use for them somewhere!)
A page of Easter stickers - my infants teaching niece might be interested in these.
I also bought a pack of self adhesive photo paper and a pack of 6 padded posting bags -6" square. All items a pound each so I think I did well. What do you think?
I am posting this early so that I can get off to town for buttons and a wedding album for M's gorgeous dumfed cover. I might just nip over to Julia's blog first and see what everyone else has on their desk today.
Thanks for popping in - Have a great day!
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Choc chick.
If you want to make your own here's the link.
A little ray of sunshine!

We certainly bring a little sunshine into each others lives don't we!
We are both alike in lots of ways and have always tried to bring sunshine into the lives of others. Not always easy, but then nothing worth having comes easily does it?
Our blogs are really just a bit of fun and not meant to be taken too seriously - life is too short.
So, thanks again Wipso.
Now I have rules to follow and I am not so good at that!
Here they are:
Pass it on to 6 bloggers
Put a link to your nominees within your post
Let your nominees know that you are passing this award along to them by leaving by leaving a comment on their blog
Link to the blog of the person who nominated you for this award
So, I went on a blog hunt to a few of my favourites - the ones who never fail to put a smile on my face.........
Wipso - it goes without saying - a fab blog from a very special person but of course she already has the sunshine award!
Felted House - a brilliant crafty blogger who also has a beautiful, mischievious kitten - and already has the sunshine award!
MarmaladeRose - the person who has inspired over 150 crafters to be creative for at least 20 minutes each day. It has certainly motivated me and linked us to some very crafty folk. Of course she too already has the award!
Now these folk can consider themselves awarded again but I guess the chain stops then so I will search for a few more to pass this award to.
How about......
Love Stitching Red I just love the way C. creates an interesting, artistic blog with beautiful illustrations, poetry and wonderful artwork.
Violet White One of our 20 minuters who produces lovely crafty items and sells them in her own online shop.
Lululiz Another of our 20 minuters whose blog is a delight where she shares her photos and crafts with everyone.
I like to think that checking out these blogs and seeing all their lovely work, stimulates my creativity and takes my crafty skills off in different directions. So, I would like to thank them for all the effort they put into sharing their work with us on their blogs and hope they will be happy to receive the sunshine award.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Shocking pink!
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
A little bit of dumfing and a look at our fabric stash.
So here I am looking at these two pieces of fabric. My daughter spent time last week with me and we enjoyed a morning working together in my sewing room. The white piece has been dumfed with wool, silk, lace etc and beaded to make a cover for a wedding album. The little red piece is for a front cover on a journal. (Click on the pic to see them close up!)
I think I shall be finishing off these projects by making a fabric cover to form a basis for each one. Once they have been quality checked by said daughter - oh and Wipso - they will go into our blog shop!
My storage on the left is nowhere near as nice - just plastic storage containing fabric scraps and other sewing clutter!
Not much to show today. I shall enjoy popping over to check out Julia's blog and see what everyone else is up to.