Wednesday, 10 March 2021


 Good morning all!

Thanks for all your lovely twiddler comments.

I had a couple of twiddler challenges this week but I will probably leave those until next week to share with you as they need to reach the recipients first!

Here is my latest underwater one,  just to keep you happy...

I like there to be lots of textured rocks and tentacles so there is plenty to twiddle. Also, inside I like to stitch a couple of crochets twirls and velvety strips as well as a couple of bobbles and a button or two.

I hope you are all well and no doubt lots of you will have had your vaccination.

Now that the children are back at school, let's hope all goes well and that we can look forward to the Spring and Summer. We need to get out and about with our friends and family. It's been a long haul so far. We don't want to wreck it by rushing things but I just need time with my loved ones!

Stay safe and keep well.

xx Jo


Lynn Holland said...

Good morning Jo
Your twiddle mitts are like little weekly stories, I love them.
Keep em coming.
Hope you have a good week with lots of twiddling.
Lynn xxx 17

Julia Dunnit said...

My sentiments exactly Jo....the next five weeks to step 2 of release are crucial. There’s definitely a change in atmosphere since a lot of first jabs have been had...I suspect that a lot of people will now feel it’s safer to bend the rules a bit and I’m nervous about that. I really don’t want this long haul to be any longer, I’m desperate to see my gal! End of your generosity over at LisaJane’s this morning, what a superstar you are, and so fast about it!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Yep, I agree wholeheartedly with you and JUlia, people can see the glimmer of light and are running towards it rather than proceeding cautiously. I can’t see the First Minister of Wales changing much this Friday tbh. I just want to see my family too, it’s been way too long and even just call around to a friends for a cuppa and chat. The twiddler is so awesome, I love all the detail, you’re so clever - am off toe Lisa Jane’s to see what you’ve sent her!
Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Hi Jo, more amazing creativity to see I think you could turn your hand to anything thrown at you, so clever. Lovely underwater themed twiddlers. I'm keeping my positive head on with the return of schools, we all need good news right now. Take care & stay safe Tracey #15 x

Helen said...

I agree we need to keep being careful but a) my hair is a disgrace and b) I miss Kew so I hope people are sensible !! Great twiddlers Helen #3

Annie said...

What a fab twiddlerJo. The really is no end to your talent. Love you lots.
Annie x

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Another lovely twiddler - just saw the one you sent to Lisa-Jane. We're definitely in the final stretch of the lockdown and it would be a shame to drop the ball now and go back to square one. Have a lovely week, Jo. xx zsuzsa #24

Anne said...

More fabulous makes Jo. I have still not made my square, sorted stuff out but got caught up with other makes.
I can't wait to see family but am nervous. We certainly won't break any rules. Hopeful our son and family can visit at Easter- only outdoors though. Fingers crossed for weather. Take care. Anne x 22

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, love your twiddle mitts - they always tell a story. I read something recently which talked of the benefit to the recipients of twiddle mitts for a great variety of people - not just the very elderly. We've both had our first vaccinations but haven't heard when we'll get the second but we're only too happy to wait. I look forward to the day I hear everyone in the country has been vaccinated, especially school staff. Like you, I'm so looking forward to getting out and meeting up with family again. We heard today that we will soon be able to meet up with family outside - it can't happen soon enough. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie x #30

Lisa-Jane said...

Another lovely twiddler! I swear I have to keep looking at them because I keep spotting new things! I do really love the very soft velvety piece inside. I'm eagerly awaiting the next Welsh announcement as I'm desperate to drive past LLJ's with a wave on my way to Pembrokeshire but it's very easy for me to keep well out of everyone's way. I just hope people don't get too carried away or start feeling invincible. There's still a LOT of people yet to be vaccinated and some that won't be jabbed anyway. As always, stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #8

Catriona said...

Super knitting again and like Elizabeth, I have read of the benefits to lots of people of having a twiddle mitt or blanket. We’re still behind you in the easing of lockdown but as others have said, people are definitely using the first vaccine to ease off too quickly. X

Sarah Brennan said...

Fab underwater scenes on the latest twiddle mitt Jo. I am keeping everything crossed that we don't get eany blips on the way out of lockdown either. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Anonymous said...

So cute! Do you make the cuffs too or just the decorative parts. This are so unique and fun. Have a great week. Dorlene #34

Felicia said...

Jo, the newest twiddle is sooooo stinking cute!!! I am a huge Octo fan and so it TOTALLY spoke to me! Just love it!! I am still waiting on my jab! I work in local government, so they are doing are lot all in one big session. I'm not looking forward to it, but I guess it's needed! I hear you on the rushing things. It's like the flood gates have opened up here in some parts of the states and folks are getting very careless! I don't appreciate it one bit! My mask stays on and I still stay away! I go out, don't get me wrong, but I take the necessary precautions! Stay safe and most of all healthy! Felicia #31

Caro said...

I love the new water twiddler - so cute! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#18)

Crafting With Jack said...

Love your new twiddlers and the one at Lisa Jane’s. I do hope you are keeping a photo album of all these mitts. Happy WOYWW By the way No one is saying anything about my painting. Do you think it reads as if I didn’t paint her? Angela #21

Spyder said...

Yes I agree! I miss the grandkiddies and still have a birthday present that I didn't want to post as it's an odd thin shape and of course we miss tea with Lady Pam. She's been good this week, no 'running' off down the street to see if Sainburys is open! Love the Twidder always love to see what you've created in the week! Stay safe, Keep crafting, Happy WOYWW?!((Lyn))#25

Susan Renshaw said...

Hope all goes well with the kids going back and slight easing of restrictions... The roll out of vaccinations seems to be going well.
Love the sea scene with all that texture!
Stay safe and keep well.
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #6

Lynnecrafts said...

Great twiddle mitt Jo. I love the striped fish.
Agree absolutely, kids need to be back in school, but if we all rush headlong for the freedom and contact we so desire, we risk going back into lockdown again.
Take care, stay safe
Lynnecrafts 7

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jo, I'm late this week as I had to sort some stuff out yesterday ready for my mum coming home. The Twiddlers are just amazing but I would find it very difficult to let them go but that's the reason I have a house full of stuff Lol! Happy creative, belated WOYWW, Angela x19x

Shoshi said...

I love this latest twiddler, Jo! Especially the twiddly octopus tentacles! Brilliant.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #12

Neet said...

Sorry I am so late this week - birthday got in the way of blog comments.
I so agree with you about not rushing into things with the lockdown being unlocked so to speak. It will be nice for things to return to something similar to normal, just hope folks don't take it that it is back to normal and forgo the mask wearing etc. I just keep thinking we could end up back at square one if people do not be sensible.
Gorgeous Twiddlemitt as always, I love the blue sea colour you chose, just perfect.
Stay safe and well.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx