Wednesday, 3 March 2021


 What a great bunch WOYWW buddies are.

I loved Tracey's gnome cards last week and asked if she would make one for my BIL.

Two days later this arrived in the post. Tracey you are a gem. I am sure the card will be loved and saved!

Then I saw Lyn (Spyder) had mentioned the wandering Lady Pam and I wondered if she might like a "Twiddler".

So,  below is the Downton Abbey one that I made with her in mind.

I hope the characters are fairly recognisable.

Also, Annie suggested vegetables as a theme so here is one I made a week or so ago....

And I don't want any vulgar tittering - you know who you are!!!

I know they have brought smiles to lots of folk so I am really pleased with that. Let's hope the recipients are as happy with my efforts. The dementia nurse at the hospital said she thought the last lot were fabulous - ( not a mention of "weird" or "whacky" - so they obviously are on my wavelength!)

Dementia is a cruel blow to our elderly folk and anything that can help is so important.

So that's it for this week.

Take care all and stay safe.

xx Jo


Lynn Holland said...

Gosh I’m having a rollercoaster morning with you and Annie making me weepy with all you do for other folk.
Your twiddle mitts do make me smile every week though Jo so it’s all good now, I’ve put my snotty hankie away now.
Have a lovely week, keep twiddling
Love Lynn xxx 15

Lisa-Jane said...

Oh my! Every time I see one of your mits I think "oh this is my favourite!" and then I scroll down and think "no no! THIS is my favourite!!" I do have a soft spot for the ones with characters on so I really love the Downton dinner table scene but I'm also a veg grower (just for the tittering sometimes) so I loved that one too! Do you sell them? I think it could really help my daughter (we are a house of 3 out of the 4 being neurodivergent!) Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #7

Julia Dunnit said...

Another post full of giving. Not sure my heart will stand much more. I love the rosettes on the teddy bears Jo, what a lovely thing you did. And I love Lady Pat’s twiddled, I can’t get over how fast you make them,or how detailed they are. yes, I recognise all of the characters! especially the peas. Ahem. Tracey has made you a fab card. Going to have to succumb and buy that gnome to add to my collection, that’s three times I’ve seen her using it and I feel the need!

Susan Renshaw said...

That veggie twiddler would have been perfect for my Dad...
Love the Downton Abbey one too.
Happy Woyww!
Susan #2

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jo. A great card for your BIL Well done Tracey! Your twiddle muffs this week are such fun - love them. They must bring a lot of fun and laughter into people's lives.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Oh boy that scared me hee hee.. glad it arrived on time Jo. Loving those new twiddlers, very fitting for Lady Pam your so clever with those characters.
The veg garden twiddle mitt I have to say made me giggle, there's some big en's amongst the patch Jo :))
Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey #14 xx

Lynnecrafts said...

Love your Downton and veggie themes Jo, your twiddle mitts are just brilliant! It is wonderful how you manage to make such clear themes.
Your rosettes for Annie’s memory bears were lovely too.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 11

Helen said...

Great twiddlers as always! Have a great week Helen #5

Annie said...

Thanks for the birthday card....he really loved it. One to treasure I’m sure. The latest twiddlers are fantastic. Like Julia, I recognised every one...especially the courgette and two sprouts πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€.
Annie x

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Oh my goodness - the Downton Abbey twiddler is just brilliant - I think I recognise all the characters - and the vegetables - so funny! These look like big projects to me, but you're making so many! You must be doing these all the time LOL! What a cute card from Tracey - your BIL will love it, I'm sure - who wouldn't? Have a lovely week, Jo xx #22

Diana Taylor said...

Oh my goodness, the Downton Abbey twiddle mit is gorgeous - I love the characters, they are done so perfectly and the veg made me smile - they are fabulous. I am so impressed with all your beautiful designs and also your speed of making them.
Have a good week,
Diana xx #20

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Too blooming right I tittered!! (Oooer missus) But OMG, they are fantastic - it’s like Lisa Jane says, you think one is a fav then you do better ones again. You’re a kind, thoughtful and talented lady, doing one for Spyder’s friends is such a kind thing to do. I’ve never watched Downton (horror!) but understand from others that you’ve got the characters spot on! How about a lions/giraffes one next?
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

Sarah Brennan said...

A fabulous card from Tracey indeed Jo. Love the latest twiddle mitts too - the Downton Abbey one is particularly stunning. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Crafting With Jack said...

A great card form Tracey and more fabulous twiddle mitts. A talking point and a pleasure wherever they go I am sure. Have a great week Angela #17

Catriona said...

It was such a lovely idea that you made the little flowers for Shaz and it’s lovely that most of the bears have already gone to their forever homes. I hope you save all the photos of the twiddlemitts as they just get better and better. Great birthday card too.

Caro said...

I love the beautiful flowers you made for Shaz. The Downton Twiddlemitt made me smile! Sorry I'm missing in action again this week - we have building work at ours and every evening I am having to move things round the house to make way for the next thing! I hope to be back next week. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. Caro xx

Felicia said...

Jo, you had me laughing at your "no vulgar tittering" comment! I can almost imagine who you had in mind!!!! LOLOL Too funny!! I love the card from Tracey, gnomes are so cute! and your specialized Twiddlers were spot on! I loved them!! I do agree with you about dementia! So much sadness for them as they realize what's happening and for the loved ones. I KNOW, KNOW that you are making an impact in that community and you are an amazing blessing for them all!! My hats off to you! Take care and stay safe, Felicia #26

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

You just get better and better with the Twiddly mitts the Downton Abbey one is wonderful. Have a very creative week and a happy woyww, Angela x19x

Spyder said...

Oh Jo!! The Downton Abbey twiddle-mit is fabulous! There's even a dog!! Pam will love it so much!! I have some Downton Abbey papers so will make her a card to go with it. Will email you. And Tracy's gnome card is also brilliant too! Have you done a zoo one yet!? and then of course the bears and the flowers for Shaz. You are amazing! A very Happy WOYWW this week! ((Lyn)) #16

Anonymous said...

I love those that what they are called. LOL You make them so unique and I'm sure whoever is gifted one, loves it. Have a fabulous week. Dorlene #30

StampinCarol said...

Love the gnome card. But your twiddlers are amazing! What a wonderful way to brighten up so many people.
Have a great week.
Carol N #24

Lindart said...

Such awesome twiddlers! I love the Downton Abbey one, and of course, ne'er a thought of any but veggies crossed my mind with the other one! Thanks for your visit, have a wonderful week, Lindart #29

Neet said...

Downton is a wonderful Twiddlemitt and I am sure it will be much appreciated. That makes me think that some of the ladies will probably watch the "soaps" so maybe a Coronation Street,, EAstenders and an Emmerdale would go down well. I was going on to say Doctors as well but then I thought that may not be a good one for them to fiddle/twiddle about with.
Never stop making them, one a week will keep me happy as I would miss them so much.
Hugs, Neet 12 xxx

Heather M said...

Hi Jo, I love both the new twiddlemitts - but Downton Abbey is my favourite. I've never watched it so have no idea on the characters - but it is gorgeous. The veggie one is great - you have great imagination to create these. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #25

My name is Cindy said...

Could those twiddlers get any cuter? LOLing at the Downron ones. What a clever lady you are. Have a good week, stay safe, stay well, love n hugs Cindy xx#18

Shoshi said...

Oh Jo, these are just gorgeous! I love the veggie one, and to think of doing Downton Abbey as a theme - so much work involved, and so much detail - really really special! They are just fabulous.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #21