Wednesday, 5 March 2014


Another week - another Wednesday!!
Hoping you are all well and able to make the most of the odd fine day we have had recently.
The birds are singing and the Spring flowers are out - we have primroses, crocus and tiny daffs blooming alongside the hellebores - beautiful!
I love this time of year!

My table hasn't seen much activity this week.
This is my SIL's birthday card that I showed a peek of last week.

I haven't had much time for crafting in my sewing room...
BUT we had a fab crafty day last Thursday so I will show you my dining area all set out with "dumfing" machines and materials.

Four of us enjoyed a day of happy company, dumfing and lunch with a glass of wine.
The day flew by and a good time was had by all.

Judging by last week's comments when I told you what I planned - there are quite a few folk out there who would have liked to have joined in.
I did suggest to Lunch Lady Jan that, as I am out in the sticks and a long way from anywhere, she would need to bring her PJs if she wanted to come a-crafting!!
Maybe I should be offering crafty weekends to anyone who fancies escaping to the country.
He he-  I can just see hubby's face when hoards of crafty bloggers descend upon us!

I forgot to take any photos of the lovely little dumfed pieces the crafters made.
They all went home with 2 or 3 finished pieces and were so keen to carry on they decided they would each buy a hand dumfer! In fact my school friend Chris bought one and showed her 6 year old grandson how to do it - this is what he made over the weekend! Start 'em young hey!

Well that's it for this week.

Have a great week. Thanks for calling by.

x Jo


Annie said...

Wahoooo our love of dumfing is catching :-) It's good to see it spreading to the next generation too.
Annie x

Partofyourstory said...

Well done jo, glad all went well. Lovely card xx

BJ said...

Such a pretty pink card and no idea about 60, just getting used to 50! Thanks for the visit BJ#67

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Sounds like fun........A small church here has been converted to hold events like this for a small fee. Overnight accomodations in the choir...Potluck..etc full of tables/chairs etc. lots of quilters are using it.problem with winter they got snowed in.and I love the card. Thanks for stopping by

Gill Edwards said...

Okay i have to ask, what is dumfing?
Gill xx

Winnie said...

How fun! I have my nieces over for tea and crafting and then a slumber party afterwards and it is always a hit. I may have to try some adult pj party some time.. I am not familiar with dumfing, but the piece is darling! Thanks for the visit today! Winnie#65

Carol Rigby said... is nice to see some spring weather. The cherry blossoms are starting to come out and they always cheer me up. Your card is lovely and it's cherry blossom pink!!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

My toothbrush and PJs are ready packed in my bag...when's the next Dumfing Day?? Grin So glad you had a fab day and how wonderful that the little lad had a go too!
Btw, you are responsible for me spilling a cuppa as I read your comment on my blog!!! Trimmed bushes indeed!
Hugs, LLJ 44 xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

There's still ice and snow on my landscape and the only thing blooming is hoar frost. But I'm glad you are enjoying some warmth.

How fun it would be to have a dumfing day. I can see the comments already (grin). Happy WOYWW from #1.

Lynn Holland said...

Hi Jo
Thank you for your comments on my new header, its a shelf in my studio.
Your header is very inviting.
Have a good creative week
Lynn x

Neesie said...

You've just described my garden there Jo ;D
I haven't been in the UK at this time of year for so long, so I'm loving the transition from winter into spring.
I have to admit I've never dumfed in my life (oops that doesn't sound too good...I hope it's not offensive or an insult...but you hopefully you get what I mean?)
Have a great creative week
Neesie #75

Unknown said...

Those dumfed pieces are sooo cute! And yes, I agree, I wish there were fabrics to match my beautiful origami papers! Oh, and Jo, I just adore your SIL's card - so pretty. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #34

sandysewin said...

What a pretty and funky card, love all the fabrics and the stitching.

How nice that you all could get together. Perhaps we need to try to make a meet up on this side of the pond.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #23

pearshapedcrafting said...

Lovely card, bet she loved it! Happy dumfing and thanks for visiting, Chris78

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh well done Jo! what a great success. Especially as Chris was able to teach her grandson! she was definitely a good pupil!
love the a rd for your siL, bet she did too.

Mrs.D said...

Oh a crafting weekend in the Welsh borders, sound wonderful, shame it isn't really on offer.
That card is beautiful, amazing what you can do with a few scraps of material.
Chris #56

Craft buddy said...

Love your cake card for your SIL! Gorgeous fabrics! Thanks for stopping by my first WOYWW visit x #62 Jessie

Helen said...

Sounds like loads of fun, and love what Chris's grandson did! Helen 5

fairy thoughts said...

Aren't you all busy bees.... but I had to wince at the thought of needle felting (as I call it)after a glass of wine I'm sure I would felt my fingers ... ouch.
great job young man
janet #19

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jo, thanks for stopping by mine earlier.
I love the cake card, sweet but slightly quirky, gorgeous.
Angela x63

Neet said...

Great to see a young dumfer! Sounds like you girls had a wonderful time. I just wish I had a big enough house to take four or so friends for a day of fun like that.
Be careful Jo or you will have us descending on you for fun and wine!
Hugs, Neet xx 8

voodoo vixen said...

How lovely to be able to sit with like minded folk and create... dumfing always sounds like such a fun thing to do and I am so pleased to see a young an giving it a go too! Annette #3

BumbleVee said...

I love that cake-y card... so pretty. I must try to see if I can follow some sort of shape with the far I've only gone in circles and all over the place with free motion stuff lines to try to follow.... this is probably a bit tricky ...

I'd love to come for a play weekend..... what fun that would be! How I wish I lived close enough to do just that......

Sherry said...

Aaaah, that little boy looks thrilled with what he made, and didn't he do well too! Sounds like you have a lot of fun with your fellow crafters. Bet you'd have a lot of takers if you did offer crafty breaks - your hubby could provide tea and snacks!!!

Sherry x
WoYWw #87

Lisa-Jane said...

How lovely to keep the tradition going! Another WOYWW-er in the making :-) #50

okienurse said...

woo hoo so much fun going on there. I would have to bring a lot more then jammies if I came for a play! I wish I lived closer to you dear ladies cause you have so much fun! Sorry I am so late getting by this week but at least I had some time come open so I could do some blog hopping! Thanks for sharing your awesome desk! Vickie aka Okienurse #57

Anonymous said...

What a cute little make!
Thanks for sharing
Catiecuddles x

Unknown said...

How sweet that is...Thank you for visiting. Karen #56

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Dropping by to say hi! what a lovely birthday card! and i just loved the story about the napkins in the next post! so funny!
Happy WOYWW!
peggy aplSEEDS@28