Wednesday, 12 February 2025


 Happy What's On Your Work desk Wednesday!

Thanks to Sarah for keeping us all together. It was lovely to catch up with her on Saturday at Tilly's workshop. The finished toadstools pictures were wonderful....

So now you can see the point of me spending hours doing this...

These are the fluff rainbows that I have put together for her Greek Islands workshop.
My own crafty activity has been limited a few little knitties...
A little comfort Ted.

And a McFelty aka Highland cow.

Looking forward to some warmer brighter weather. It's been so cold, grey and gloomy.

Have a good week all.
x x Jo 🌈 


Helen said...

the finished workshop pieces all look amazing. Love McFelty, too, he's fab! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Annie said...

The workshop results were amazing. I love the latest knitties.
Annie x

Neet said...

Those shroom pictures are fantastic. What a fun class that must have been. Just hope they all appreciate what work goes into the kits,
Your knits are gorgeous and the Highland Cattle is fantastic - do you think I could knit that? Providing not on 4 needles or a circular one I think I could.
Hugs, Neet xx 2

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You’re a good soul doing all that prep for the workshops, those fluff rainbows are really pretty! The little knitties are very cute especially Morag the Moo Cow, Hoots Mon!!
Hugs LLJ 8 xx

BJ said...

Oh so much point! Gorgeous toadstool woodlands but now you have me curious about the Greek islands, don't think I've seen that one on the website. must go check it out. Super knits, so cute, the highland cow is my fav. Hugs bj#3

Crafting With Jack said...

Oh your teddies are so sweet. The highland cow is my favourite ! I wish the felting classes were a little closer! Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Love the woodland pics they are an absolute delight. Your highland cow is a real sweetie too. Happy woyww, Angela x11x

Lynnecrafts said...

Gorgeous toadstools, Jo, and your own knits are beautiful. I especially love McFelty the Heeland Coo.😻
Lynnecrafts 12 xx

Chana Malkah said...

Everything looks amazing! The Woodland pieces are enchanting! Your effort was well worth it! I Love your knitties! They are adorable!
Have a fabulous week!
Hugz, Chana, WOYWW #10

Susan Renshaw said...

Those woodland pictures are amazing - and I love your little kitties, especially McFelty!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #5

Sarah Brennan said...

It was great to see you too Jo. I am really looking forward to that extra workshop in June now. Thanks you for all the prep work. Love the latest knits. Sorry I am late visiting this week. It has been manic in the lead up to half term. Stay safe and Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah

Kelly said...

Hi Jo!
They are all adorbs! I'm so not a knitter. I can do a simple scarf. that's my limit LOL.
that rainbow of fluffy goodness - I'd line an easter basket with it. LOL
Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly #14

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

The toadstools look fantastic from the workshop and worth all the effort put in to organizing it all. Your mini knits are very sweet too. Have a good rest of the week.