Wednesday, 29 January 2025


Good morning all and welcome to our Wednesday desk share.

Well, I'm sorry to say, not much has been happening apart from a big boost to Tilly Tea Dance's stock of Inspiration packs. They are simply tiny bags with a colour coordinated selection of fluff and yarn. I made about 30 this week in pinks, lilacs, yellows and a red/ green poppy pack.

I hope they provide inspiration for Tilly's students on her workshops. Each pack has a piece of prefelt and just enough bits and bobs to create a tiny work of art or to add to a bigger project 

I was given this polyester cushion filling this week.
Three big bags full! I only use tiny amounts for my little knitties so this lot may last a lifetime 🤣
The packs are those bags that you can suck the air out with a vacuum hose. I did just that but as I put them on top of my wardrobe I could hear a light hissing sound. The following morning they were back to the size you see now. Mmm. Id better get stuffing!
So that's me for this week 
Have a good week 
x x Jo 🌈 


Helen said...

the bags of cushion filling made me chuckle re-inflated... good luck using that up! Well done on filling all those inspiration packs for Max. Have a creative week.. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Sarah Brennan said...

Lovely packs for Max, Jo. I am really looking forward to her class soon. I am sure Annie would take some of that stuffing off your hands if the bags won't stay deflated and they take up too much room. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Lunch Lady Jan said...

How funny about those vacuum bags full of stuffing they were fighting back I think!! Good luck getting rid of that little lot, at least you know you’re ok for that for a few years, lol! The little bags of coloured fluff are so appealing, the workshop attendees must be in seventh heaven having to choose from that little lot xx
Hugs LLJ 8 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

The stuffing will not be contained! Holes in the bags do you think? Or just feisty stuffing 🤣🤣. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Neet said...

Am looking forward to maybe seeing some of those little bees you saw on FB. I tried to link you but couldn't for some reason so was glad to see you had seen them.
Cor blimey! That is a lot of work ahead if you are to get through that stuffing.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I love the look of the inspiration packs, looks like you've been kept busy. Good luck in using up the stuffing too. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

Annie said...

Love the inspiration packs…just wish they gave me some 😀
Annie x

BJ said...

Oh so had to enlarge the inspiration packs photo. You sent me some pre-felt and I assumed it was as a base for the little pictures and did my trial one on a piece from a pack. However on the workshop I have just done she said pre-felt wasn't to be used to do pictures on? Now I am confused. I did learn to do layers and build up the colours rather than the job lot I tried with my pre-workshop piece - oopsey. Anyway have now made a 3D mushroom and the 2D piece this afternoon so will show the latter next week. Think I need to break out the red/green poppy pack you so kindly sent me for my fabric book piece. So exciting. Hugs BJ#3

Lindart said...

Put the deflated bags in the bathtub and see where the bubble come from - patch with duct tape and it should be fine! Have a lovely week, Lindart #14

Susan Renshaw said...

Shame the bags reflated!
Lovely colourful bags of fluff and yarn!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #12 again

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

The little bags of coloured fluff will hopefully inspire lots of creative activity . They are all so pretty.
Hope you find away of storing all that stuffing more effectively. That is quite a lot and will last ages. I look forward to seeing what you do with it :-)