It's so gloomy outside that my desk photo looks a bit cheerless too.
In fact, it's a busy little space with lots going on.
The pile of pretty fabric will be used for little cover ups and maybe a dress or two.
First of all, I have two little sillk wedding waistcoats to make. I drew up patterns from the one on my table and cut them out in lovely blue slub silk with proper waistcoat lining fabric to complete them.
Oh and can you see my tin of vintage buttons - I think I will be selling them as they are surplus to my needs.
I will put them together with Annie's and get them in the post to Dawn who is collecting them.
Lastly, after fun day Monday when Annie made 5 pairs of shorts and I made 3 little frocks for the "Dress a girl around the world scheme" (see post below and Annie's blog), I decided to help Louise reach her target of 50 pairs of shorts.
I raided my store of old T shirts and jeans. I always try to recycle fabric and hate throwing useful things away.
So the legs of the jeans proved just big enough to re-cut and make shorts. Having made 404 dresses we thought we should do something for the boys.
I think we have made a total of 14 at the moment - I don't think we will reach anywhere near the dress total but who knows!!
Ok - I need to get busy sewing.
Have a great day everyone. If you want to join our happy blog hop, then pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and see what we have all been up to this week.
Thanks to all who left lovely comments last week - nice to hear from you.
x Jo
WOW you have been busy again! I just love the little knitted beanie hat/jumper sets and some lovely fabrics on your desk :)
Have a fab WOYWW and a lovely week, Hugs, Karen xx #12
Jeepers - so, so busy Jo. I've only made one little Fish and Chips set so far - how often are your batteries replaced? So much energy - and always producing fabulous makes - love the shorts too! Di xx #49
Love the circular displays of jumpers and shorts Jo :-)....they remind me of something we haven't seen lately.....the sun!!!!!
A x
My you have been busy
We are sending off 22 fish n chip baby jumpers from Sunnybank Day Centre. Well done to everyone.
I'm working on decorating shopping bags for the Sue Ryder charity shops
Lynn 53
One I made earlier today
I cant believe how fast you work that is a heap in a week since the last post. Amazing you are and thanks for sharing.
Eliza #19
I cant believe how fast you work that is a heap in a week since the last post. Amazing you are and thanks for sharing.
Eliza #19
You are so busy with all these little creations, shorts, frocks and jumpers, amazing.
Just to make you envious, the sun has just come out in Yorkshire. I'm sitting here being dazzled. I'll send it southwards for you.
Hugs Lisax #79
So now you are onto shorts! You and Annie are so good.... Have a lovely day. Helen 7
Gosh! You are so busy! I love all that creativity! I'd offer to help with the shorts but I suspect the project would be over before I was able to thread my sewing machine! I am a little *challenged* in that area! Happy Wednesday!
...gosh Jo your sewing machine must have little flames coming out the back, your doing a grand job angel lady!...Mel :) #34
Another kind and helpful person in bogland. Well done on the knitting and the shorts. How do you ever get any time for yourself?
Famfa 116
blimey Jo you have been busy, well done, they all look lovely. Do you want to bring some of max' cushions over next time you're around, i have a bit of room now (not much mind you)!!! We're shut tomorrow, there's a street fairground in Monty and we're off to shrewsbury for the day, business is terrible when they're here. Speak to you soon xxx
How wonderful are you, doing all those jumpers, hats and shorts. I never fail to be impressed by the generosity of crafty people. Well done you! Anne #44
love the rainbow of beanies :) and i think your 'dress a girl around the world' is a wonderful thing to do :)
no. 82
Good grief. I just noticed the "pink" dresses in post below. I thought you had dressed an entire WORLD by now (grin). Lots going on today, I see. Happy WOYWW from #4 this week.
Such lovely things you make. We all have our talents. I'm excellent at making messes. Great to see your progress on the charity projects; that's so nice that you help out. Despite the gloomy photo, I think the floral fabric looks quite cheery!
What a beautiful cause you are supporting! Cutest beanies and hats. :)
-Annie #35
I don't think you and Annie take time to sleep! Love all your makes, really hopes the rain gives up soon, or at least it rains when it needs it and not all at once.
Brenda 114
Your post makes me wish I could sew better! Very inspiring!
Gosh, how many projects have you got on the go at the moment? Do you ever sleep? lol. I think it's lovely that you are making shorts for boys now after all those dresses. You are clever.
Thanks for sharing.
Jumbleberries xx
Wow what clever stuff Twiglet!
What great shorts, super cause too!
I really wish I could sew as well as you, I love your makes... Hugs May x x x#32
You have made so much!! I have not even finished one little outfit for the fish and chip babies!!! Anne x
oh, gee...all the little baby things almost made me cry today...must be having a day of feeling a bit teary eyed ....
You've been so busy, what fabulous makes - thanks for sharing - Hazel, WOYWW #10 x have been busy!
The beanie hats and jumper sets look so cute and all for a fantastic cause. Well done're an inspiration :D
Happy WOYWW ~ enjoy Neesie #22
Gosh Jo! I didn't know you'd reached over 400 dresses and now the knitteds and the little shorts are mounting up. Well done to you!
JoZarty x
Wonderful projects, Jo, and working for a good cause, too!
Always fun to see all the NEW ideas you are working on.. I had a smile when I saw the little shorts. I made my sons many when they were from the ages of 2 to 6..then started to buy some of their things. Have a wonderful weekend..My time is flying by, many visits to the hospital again with many different people.
Wow have been busy love the beanie hat/jumper sets you have made. Have a fab week
Anne-marie no 84
Its great to see desks that have other crafts from my own paper crafts, such cute little outfits. You've got to share that view from your window that I read about on your profile. I love seeing views around the world, it lets me travel vicariously.
Bridget #172
So busy! every time I visit your blog, I want to get my sewing machine out of hiding! I have lots of clothes I can recycle into other things and I am envious that you are able to do that! Patsy from
Those fish and chip outfits are just adorable. You've both been so busy with them.
Carmen #74 (also very late *g*)
WOW there shouldn't be a naked child in the world the way you and Annie have been sewing and knitting away! I admire you two for all the good things you are doing to help the less fortunate! Thanks for sharing. Vickie
Hope you are having the sun today the same as we are. It is so great to see it again at last, and we are just hoping that it will be around for our holiday later this month (two wet, muddy dogs in the caravan is not appealing). The number of lovely little outfits is seriously impressive. Well done to you all for doing so much. Thank you for your visit this week and sorry it has taken so long to return it. Enjoy what is left of the week and next week too. xx Maggie #93
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