The last few weeks have flown by- I expect its been the same for most of you. The cleaning, tidying, shopping etc in the build up to Christmas, seems to take up lots of time. I do a bit of that but most of my last few weeks have been thoroughly enjoyable as I have been busy crafting away and making lots of gorgeous little Christmas gifts for friends and family.
I might blog a few after Christmas but not now as I don't want to spoil the surprise!
Its always hard to know what to buy and post to my friends and this year I decide it was going to be "Twiglet-made" goods. So, at least some of my Yorkshire friends will have received a little parcel with a few of these goodies!!
My photo is just the flowers on my hearth with some of Ms old favourites alongside. The little stained glass Santa candle holder was a gift for Ms first Christmas and from the same folk who made the little wooden Santas. A special Happy Christmas to them if they read this!
Christmas will be different for us this year, as we will be spending some of it with M in her new home. She is cooking Christmas dinner and has done the "big shop" instead of me this year.
So, to all friends and family who read this - All my good wishes for a very happy Christmas and a brilliant New Year!
How welcoming and beautiful your hearth looks Twiglet. I'm cooking for my beloved parents this year - first time in 25 years that I've been allowed! Have a lovely time.
Happy Christmas!
Hoping you dont catch what I've got sis. Have a wonderful time with M and I will catch up with you when I'm feeling rather better.
A x
just stopping to wish you a very Merry Christmas Twig........enjoy letting someone else do the major stuff.... sounds like a fun time will be had...
My friends and family have been getting home and handmade for so many years I can't count them...I think I began when I was about ....12..... oh, man.... ..where did all those years go?
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