Wednesday 26 June 2024


 Well here we are again sharing our workdesks with other like minds. Sarah has done a great job of continuing the work started by our Queen of Snoop, Julia. We really appreciate your efforts Sarah, especially when you have had so many other things to deal with. Thank you - you are in our thoughts  

It was lovely to see you at Tilly's workshop and I hope you share your lovely puffin picture on your desk today.😃

My desk has been full to overflowing with lovely artwork but not my own.

I love this one.

I did make some knitted hearts for the hospital.

AND here are a few snaps from my visit to Dorothy Clive Gardens last week...

Enjoy the sunshine.

Have a great week.

x x Jo 

Wednesday 19 June 2024


 Last week seemed to be quite hectic.

We went to a lovely wedding at Rowton Castle...

This is the card that I made for them. I deleted the details so it looks a bit fuzzy.

I continued knitting little cats. Ben loved the little shaggy white one so I made a few more. They need little ribbon collars to finish them off .

Lastly, we have new residents on our estate!...

A pair of swans walk their five cygnets round the estate, from the pond down the hill. They settle on various lawns, eating the short grass. I have tried to gently encourage them back down the road but the adults don't like it and hiss, so I have left them to it. I worry about the traffic but folks seem to have got used to them and most of them slow down.

The rest of my time has been spent organizing Tilly's artwork for her exhibition. It's very time consuming but I enjoy it 

So that's me for this week 

Have a good week all.

x x Jo 

Wednesday 12 June 2024


 Another week another Wednesday.

My desk is still empty.

We had a few days away in Derbyshire, with old school friends, last week.

We visited NT Keddleston Hall and enjoyed seeing their array of peonies in the garden.

We also visited Matlock, Crompton Mill and Bakewell. I didn't take any photos which is not like me. However, we really enjoyed the company, food and trips out .

So. my only crafty activity has been knitting these little friendship hearts. 

I have a friend's wedding to go to this week so that will be fun.

Have a good week all 

x x Jo 

Wednesday 5 June 2024


 Happy WOYWW everyone.

Look at this little beauty....

It only has one bloom at the moment but is growing well. Annie bought it for us and the rose is a gorgeous, golden, custard yellow.

My desk hasn't seen much action as my chesty cough has knocked the bounce out of me. Hopefully, a little break will do me good and I can get back to my usual crafty activity next week.

Here is my lovely ATC from BJ 

Each one a little gem 

I have spent a little time mounting some of Tilly's Shropshire Hills pictures. She has an exhibition in July so there is lots of work to do to get it all ready.

I love her little bookmarks.

Well that's me for this week.

Have a good week all 

x x Jo