Wednesday 29 May 2024


 Good morning all. Here we are again sharing our desks on What On Your Workdesk Wednesday .

Thankfully, all worked well with Sarah's Craft Shed and Sarah managed to link us all up beautifully. Thanks for stepping in and keeping us all connected.

My desk hasn't seen any action this week. I have had yet another cough and miserable cold. So, all I have managed is a bit of gentle knitting. I loved Jan's little cats so I had a go myself. I'm not sure what I can do with them but I have lots of little friends who would probably love them.

Sylvia and BJ sent me an ATC.

They are just lovely aren't they. I love Sylvia's little folded pocket for hers. She even left un-glued so that I could open it out and see how it folds. Thanks lots both. 

I hope I get my bounce back for next week. I have places to go and people to see!

Have a good week all..

x x Jo 

Wednesday 22 May 2024


 Good morning all!

Well our 15th anniversary meet up in Stoke with Sarah was a lovely day out.

We gathered together at ten and spent all day chatting about crafts and lots more. Of course it was interspersed with teas, coffees, lunch and just a little cake or two. 

It was so good to see everyone.

At lunchtime we raised a glass to Julia and thanked her for keeping us connected over all those years.

I know she was cross with me, but it was wonderful to present her with a little gift as a thank you. The generosity of our blog buddies didn't surprise me. We are such a giving bunch and Julia deserved every penny. We hope she finds something nice to treat herself to.

Of course we also swapped ATCs.

What a fab selection of mini works of art. I love them.

We had a raffle and sale of goods and the monies went to the heart charity chosen by Sarah. 

AND speaking of Sarah...

We are so grateful to her for organizing the crop with Eva and even more so for offering to take on hosting Mr Linky so to that WOYWW can continue. Wahoo! Thanks lots Sarah.

So that's me for this week 

I know the others will have photos of the event so I hope you get to see them all 

x x Jo 

Wednesday 15 May 2024

WOYWW 15th Anniversary

I am sure I won't be the only one who can't believe that we, happy band of crafters, have been sharing our crafty activities for the last 15 years.

Many thanks to Julia and Jan for keeping us all so beautifully connected. We have shared not only crafts but also friendship and much laughter. Life has been all the better for knowing you all.

We are looking forward to our meet up on Saturday and will take photos to share with everyone so that those who can't come won't miss out .

Here is my badge for the day...

I have made 18 ATCs.   I did a little bit of needle felting this year - after all, I do have plenty of Tilly Tea Dance resources here to dip into.😃

I will send one to my PIF and take the rest to the crop. So, if there are any left I will post them, first come first served, to anyone who would like one.

Happy 15th Anniversary!

Love from Jo

Wednesday 8 May 2024


 Good morning all.

We have been enjoying the warmer, drier weather and have had a few outings. On Sunday we met a school friend in Llangollen and visited Plas Newydd and had a lovely lunch and walk beside the canal.

My sewing room has seen a bit of crafty action. I made some ATCs for our anniversary swap and a little hang about bin for a raffle prize.

I will swap ATCs at the crop and pass one forward on Mr Linky next week. 

My latest twiddler is in its naked state here.....

And this is it now that it's finished.

I hope you have been making the most of the improved weather.

Have a great week.

x x Jo 

Wednesday 1 May 2024


 It's been a busy week with a few trips out and a little bit of crafty activity.

On Saturday I went on our works outing with Tilly Tea Dance.😃

We went to Builth Wells in Mid Wales to the Wonderwool Wales Show. 

Three halls full of gorgeous yarns and all sorts of woolly goodness and equipment kept us busy for about four hours. It was a perfect chance for Max to replenish her stocks for her artwork and workshops.

Just look at this lovely stuff 

We also saw where the wool comes from..

Angora goats and Jacob's Sheep.

My own crafty activity has been the making of this Springtime twiddler.. 


This week I must get my head around some ATCs and maybe a little gift for a raffle prize.

I hope you are all well and trying to make the best of a long,  cold April. We did have a pleasant day with sunshine yesterday so hopefully things will improve.

Enjoy the May Day Bank holiday 

x x Jo