Wednesday 10 July 2024


 Good morning all.

I had a busy week last week and spent Wednesday morning helping Tilly Tea Dance set up her exhibition at Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre.

Her display looked wonderful and she sold two pictures before they even made it onto the wall!

Hopefully the rest will sell quickly too 

This is just a small section of her display.

I have spent the last few days preparing workshop packs and inspiration packs for her.

Yesterday I stitched brooch backs onto her little sheep brooches ready for their trip up to the Old School Gallery at Muker in the Yorkshire Dales. If you are in the area it's worth a visit as it has lots of wonderful local artwork.

Here's my desk ready for stitchy action.....

And here is my box of silky Madeira threads that I use for edging these bookmarks....

Today I will be mostly relaxing and watching  tennis and football. I think I deserve a rest😃

I hope you are all well and enjoying the sport and some summer weather 

Have great week 

x x Jo 


Helen said...

I hope you enjoy your rest - the display looks great, hope she sells loads, I am sure she will. enjoy the footie and the tennis. Helen #1

BJ said...

Everything looks so scrumptious you did a great job with the stall and the brooch backs. I'm even loving the box of threads. The bookmarks in a row look like full landscapes too, how cool is that. Hugs BJ#4

Annie said...

Yes you've deserved your rest I'm sure....enjoy the tennis and footy. I'm sure Max will sell loads...her work is so beautiful.
Annie x

My name is Cindy said...

Everything looks lovely, hope Tilly has lots of sales. Definitely time for a rest - enjoy the tennis! Have a great week, love n hugs Cindy#9

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

You certainly do deserve a rest. It all looks brilliant and it's so good to see her doing so well. The bookmarks are lovely and the box of threads got me all excited too...sad I know. Have a good woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Look at all your beautiful thread, that’s a sight for sore eyes! I love how you’ve edged the bookmarks, it’s so neat, especially the corners, I’m in awe of those. Tilly’s expo looks fab, I hope it’s successful for her. And sewing on brooch backs is quite a therapeutic thing to do whilst watching sport on the telly, I think I dropped a few stitches when Mark Cavendish got his record stage in the Tour de France, lol!!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Neet said...

I think you earned a day off for certain. Love the display of bookmarks and the display when you went to help set up. You are good to Maxine and I am sure she appreciates what you do for her. Nothing better than mother and daughter time.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Diana Taylor said...

The exhibition looks fabulous and Tilly's work is beautiful. What a lot of hard work goes into something like that - I hope you enjoy your well deserved break - it's tennis all the way in this house but not football, although I hope the match is a good one for you.
Have a great week,
Diana xx #13

Lisa-Jane said...

It all looks absolutely wonderful! Those badges are so cute too! I'm thinking I really need a piece for my craft room - where does she sell on-line? Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #11,

Lindart said...

What a lovely display for Tilly Tea Dance! And you look quite busy, the bookmarks are awesome! Yes, you deserve a rest, enjoy! Have a wonderful week! Lindart #17

Sarah Brennan said...

I do love Max's work Jo. Enjoy your rest. Quick comments on my phone before Awards Evening. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah

Elizabeth said...

Hello Jo, Max's exhibition is beautiful. The Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre is a great name for the venue - guaranteed to tempt people in! I can't think of anything more appropriate than the sheep brooches for the Yorkshire Dales. Anytime Alan & I were driving through the dales there were dozens of sheep happily grazing at the side of the roads. I'm keeping my eye on the tennis as I type. Enjoy your well-deserved rest. Hugs, Elizabeth x #15

Crafting With Jack said...

Your hemming is so wonderfully neat! Wishing Max lots of sales. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Susan Renshaw said...

Hope the sale outlets are successful- the creations are wonderful!
Happy WOYWW Susan #8.
Just put the granddaughters on the train to go home and now away for the weekend to look after Ollie while his Mum and Dad go to a wedding. Fortunately the holiday cottage has internet,,,

Kelly said...

Beautiful pieces! I hope she sells lots. those bookmarks are stunning! I love color. LOL Hope you enjoyed your rest.
Creative Blessings & hugs! ~ Kelly #15

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I hope the event at the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre went well and everything got sold. Such beautiful work.