Wednesday 26 June 2024


 Well here we are again sharing our workdesks with other like minds. Sarah has done a great job of continuing the work started by our Queen of Snoop, Julia. We really appreciate your efforts Sarah, especially when you have had so many other things to deal with. Thank you - you are in our thoughts  

It was lovely to see you at Tilly's workshop and I hope you share your lovely puffin picture on your desk today.😃

My desk has been full to overflowing with lovely artwork but not my own.

I love this one.

I did make some knitted hearts for the hospital.

AND here are a few snaps from my visit to Dorothy Clive Gardens last week...

Enjoy the sunshine.

Have a great week.

x x Jo 


Helen said...

Morning Jo - great photos - the sunshine would be ok it if wasn't humid with it!! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Sarah Brennan said...

It was great to see you too Jo. That is another gorgeous piece of work from Max. Love your hearts too. Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Gorgeous art work and loving the photos from your trip. The owl is so sweet. Have a great woyww. Hugs Angela x9x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lovely pics from the garden, that owl is fab, I could give home a good home in my garden too…hint hint…!! That felty pic of Tilly’s is really beautiful, she is so skilled - as ar you in producing all those lovely little hearts for charity, you’re a star!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Lisa-Jane said...

I love that Tilly picture too! I always feel like I'm sneaking a look at a beautiful view through a hedge when I look at her artwork. Have a fun week! Lisa-Jane #11

Neet said...

The gardens are lovely but the Tilly picture steals the show for me. Absolutely gorgeous shoreline.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Annie said...

Love the pic Max did...what talent. Your little hearts are fab...I'm sure they will be well used.
Annie x

BJ said...

Oh I love carved tree stumps thanks for sharing. Hugs BJ#7

Lindart said...

Lovely garden photos! Especially the waterfall and the carved tree trunk, I love art work in a garden! Your little knitted hearts are precious! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #13

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous picture and fabulous garden photographs. Would you mind if I drew that flower? Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

Susan Renshaw said...

Loving the garden pics! Love the 🦉! Happy WOYWW! Susan #4

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures of the Dorothy Clive gardens. I do like the owl sculpture.