Wednesday 29 May 2024


 Good morning all. Here we are again sharing our desks on What On Your Workdesk Wednesday .

Thankfully, all worked well with Sarah's Craft Shed and Sarah managed to link us all up beautifully. Thanks for stepping in and keeping us all connected.

My desk hasn't seen any action this week. I have had yet another cough and miserable cold. So, all I have managed is a bit of gentle knitting. I loved Jan's little cats so I had a go myself. I'm not sure what I can do with them but I have lots of little friends who would probably love them.

Sylvia and BJ sent me an ATC.

They are just lovely aren't they. I love Sylvia's little folded pocket for hers. She even left un-glued so that I could open it out and see how it folds. Thanks lots both. 

I hope I get my bounce back for next week. I have places to go and people to see!

Have a good week all..

x x Jo 


  1. I just realised I missed photographing BJ's atc to include on my post this week, doh! Love your little cats. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. I’m so sorry that you’re feeling below par again, that’s just rubbish, you’ve had more than your fair share this year! A little gentle knitting was the perfect thing to do and I love your take on the cats, especially the shaggy white Persian, he’s fab and made me smile. Gorgeous ATCs too, I’m chuffed that you sent me one, thank you so much xx
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  3. I love the little cats. Have missed you this week but it was good to ‘see’ you on my iPad this morning. Get better really soon.
    Annie x

  4. The cats are adorable!! I'm sure they can be used for many things! Hope you are feeling better, have a wonderful week, Lindart#15

  5. So sorry you’re feeling poorly again, Jo. Your cats are great and I’m sure your little friends will love them. Get better soon- Lots of hot honey, lemon and ginger!
    Happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 12 xx

  6. So sorry to hear you are still suffering, those knitted cats are very sweet. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

  7. Hi Jo, I thought I'd left you a message before I went out this morning but can't see it. Just wanted to thank you for your kind thoughts. Been to the care home today to pick up mum's stuff. Loving the ATCs and those sweet little kitties. Take care and hope you're feeling better soon. Wishing you a very happy woyww Angela x10x

  8. I'm sorry to read that you are under the weather, I hope you feel better soon. I love you little knitted cats, they are so cute!! and each has their own character. Lovely ATCs too. Happy woyww and have a great weekend - Michelle #13

  9. Hope you are feeling better soon Annie. The cats are adorable, especially the mad spikey one LOL Hugs BJ#6

  10. Oops wrote Annie instead of Jo sorry - all fingers and thumbs these days
    Hugs BJ#6

  11. What lovely little cats!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #4

  12. Don't tire yourself out with all you have to do next week, you need rest and hot drinks to get you better. Such a shame you have a cold again. Maybe a bit of vitamin D is called for. (My favourite nurse at the surgery put me on it)
    At the caravan so the internet is variable which means I am so late.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  13. I hope you feel better very soon. That cough is miserable isn't it. The little knitted cats are very sweet and I'm sure your little friends will love them. Take care and get well soon x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.