Wednesday 5 June 2024


 Happy WOYWW everyone.

Look at this little beauty....

It only has one bloom at the moment but is growing well. Annie bought it for us and the rose is a gorgeous, golden, custard yellow.

My desk hasn't seen much action as my chesty cough has knocked the bounce out of me. Hopefully, a little break will do me good and I can get back to my usual crafty activity next week.

Here is my lovely ATC from BJ 

Each one a little gem 

I have spent a little time mounting some of Tilly's Shropshire Hills pictures. She has an exhibition in July so there is lots of work to do to get it all ready.

I love her little bookmarks.

Well that's me for this week.

Have a good week all 

x x Jo 


  1. Oh Jo I do hope you are back feeling like yourself soon and the cough goes away. Loving the ATCs and Max's work. Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

  2. I hope you get better soon and the cough goes away! love the atcs and the beautiful Max-works! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  3. Oh dear, sorry to hear you are poorly, hope you feel better soon. That rose is lovely, I really like yellow roses. Tilly's pictures are so gorgeous, I just lovethem!! Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #9

  4. This cough has been a real bind hasn't it? I’m so sorry that you’re still feeling rough, what a pain. Helping Tilly sounds a good thing to do when you’re not feeling up to much - that rose is gorgeous and would cheer any day up, good choice Annie!
    Take care lovely care, I’m away next week but let’s try to catch up the week after xx
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  5. Hope your cough feels better soon. It’s been going on for a while, have you checked with your GP? Hope you feel better soon.
    Your rose is glorious and I love your framed Tilly felted pictures.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 8 xx

  6. I’m so glad you’re on the mend now. I hope your little break will do you good.
    Annie x

  7. Tilly's mini works of art are just glorious and they look even better mounted in those frames. Sorry to hear you're still struggling with your chest but I hope you are cheered by that super rose! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #13

  8. Sorry you have a bad chest. You seem to have more than your share of coughs and colds at the moment. Sending healing thoughts Jo.
    Those pictures by your clever daughter are wonderful, It's about time I bought a new one to go with the other.
    Hugs, Neet xx4

  9. Hi Jo, gorgeous flower. Loving the felted pics they are so sweet. I hopr you're feeling better soon but for now just rest up. Wishing you a happy woyww, Angela x12x

  10. Sorry to hear you are still unwell. It refuses to go away doesn’t it! Sending get better soon wishes. Happy WOYWW. Angela #16

  11. Sending hugs, I hope you feel better soon and I do love those felted works of art. Pretty rose too, glorious colour! Happy woyww Michelle #14

  12. Oh sorry to hear you are still poorly, hope and pray you get better soon, delightful rose, but then custard it too LOL. Thanks for the mention but that wasn't my ATC you pictured, jolly nice one though. Those felted pictures are darling, love sheep. Hugs BJ#7

  13. Finally I am getting round to visiting and commenting!
    I love Tilly's work!
    But that rose is fabulous - it reminds me of the one I bought for my Mum called 'My Beautiful Mum', also a lovely yellow.

    Happy WOYWW! Susan #5

  14. Lovely rose. Beautiful colour. I hope it produces lots more blooms for you.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.