Wednesday 22 May 2024


 Good morning all!

Well our 15th anniversary meet up in Stoke with Sarah was a lovely day out.

We gathered together at ten and spent all day chatting about crafts and lots more. Of course it was interspersed with teas, coffees, lunch and just a little cake or two. 

It was so good to see everyone.

At lunchtime we raised a glass to Julia and thanked her for keeping us connected over all those years.

I know she was cross with me, but it was wonderful to present her with a little gift as a thank you. The generosity of our blog buddies didn't surprise me. We are such a giving bunch and Julia deserved every penny. We hope she finds something nice to treat herself to.

Of course we also swapped ATCs.

What a fab selection of mini works of art. I love them.

We had a raffle and sale of goods and the monies went to the heart charity chosen by Sarah. 

AND speaking of Sarah...

We are so grateful to her for organizing the crop with Eva and even more so for offering to take on hosting Mr Linky so to that WOYWW can continue. Wahoo! Thanks lots Sarah.

So that's me for this week 

I know the others will have photos of the event so I hope you get to see them all 

x x Jo 


  1. Well done for organising the collection Jo. I am sure Julia will forgive us eventually!! It was great to see you, and everyone on Saturday and I hope you get to see the photos of the time Julia Cindy and I spent apart from at the crop! Happy WOYWW helen #1

  2. It was so good to see everyone on Saturday Jo. Mister Linky is up and running on my blog when you are ready to link up. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  3. Lovely as always to see the two sisters so many thanks for being chauffer for the day.
    Many thanks for organising the gift to Julia and for being just Twiglet. Always so lovely to see you and especially to get some of your dumfing.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  4. Sounds like a great time was had by all and thanks for organising the collection so I could be a small part of the gathering. Hugs BJ#3

  5. I am sure you had a super time at the crop! That's a great set of ATCs to celebrate!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #10

  6. Super efficient of you to organise that collection Jo - she didn't give us much notice!! I'm sure she will get over being cross with us. What a super day it was!! (I'm missing the cake). Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #7

  7. Well done you for organising the collection for Julia! I’m so pleased she liked it and hope she’ll have fun spending it, she’s put a lot of time and effort on and off the link over the years so deserves all the accolades. Lovely ATCs there Jo, they’re small but mighty! Look forward to catching up soon,
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  8. Didn't we have a lovely day :-) Thanks for driving there and for all you do.
    Annie x

  9. It sounds like a lovely day was had by all and well done for organising the collection. The ATCs are gorgeous.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #8

  10. It sounds like a wonderful day, may be next year for me. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

  11. Hi Jo! It looked like everyone had a fantastic day! Nice to see Caro there too, she was probably my first ever swap many many years ago, before WOYWW. Sorry I didn't come back to you about the paypal thing, even daughter said what I said and I couldn't get it to work, anyway, I'll work something out and send it off at a later date! So Glad Sarah has taken over WOYWW!? Have a great new WOYWW week! ((Lyn)) #17

  12. I am seeing wonderful praises for you and the swap! Sounds like you all had a lovely time! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #18

  13. Hi Jo, you know why I'm a bit late getting round today so I wont go into details. Thank you for your kind words too. Saturday was a lovely day and that's a great collection of ATCs. I was so pleased Annie got the canvas, I knew she wanted it and it was lovely to see how pleased she was. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

  14. glad the crop went well, and we will continue on with WOYWW!

  15. Hello Jo, Thank you for yours and Annie's ATCs. Such a lovely surprise. Hopefully, by next year, I'll be able to join in again. You did receive a lovely selection too and the crop looks like it was a much fun as I remember those I've been to were. I'm sure there was a tearful moment or two when you presented Julia with the gift you collected for her. Thanks for doing that too. I can imagine Julia's reaction! Have a lovely week. Hugs, Ellie x #21

  16. A lovely day spent with like-minded friends. Glad you had such a great time.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.