Wednesday 15 May 2024

WOYWW 15th Anniversary

I am sure I won't be the only one who can't believe that we, happy band of crafters, have been sharing our crafty activities for the last 15 years.

Many thanks to Julia and Jan for keeping us all so beautifully connected. We have shared not only crafts but also friendship and much laughter. Life has been all the better for knowing you all.

We are looking forward to our meet up on Saturday and will take photos to share with everyone so that those who can't come won't miss out .

Here is my badge for the day...

I have made 18 ATCs.   I did a little bit of needle felting this year - after all, I do have plenty of Tilly Tea Dance resources here to dip into.😃

I will send one to my PIF and take the rest to the crop. So, if there are any left I will post them, first come first served, to anyone who would like one.

Happy 15th Anniversary!

Love from Jo


  1. Fabulous ATCs Jo. Looking forward to the meet up on Saturday too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW anniverary. Sarah #?

  2. oh lord, I forgot about a name badge! Looking forward to seeing you Saturday. Happy WOYWW Helen #6

  3. Hi Jo, I'm trying desperately trying to remember the anniversary SWAP rules. I believe you will be my partner to send to but I'd really love to SWAP if you have any left over - they are so delightful. I sadly won't be at the crop. Hugs BJ#11

  4. Breaking with long-standing tradition to comment even on Google-sign in blogs :D just for the anniversary!
    Love your ATCs - I have one from years ago that I treasure. Hope to swap with you at the crop so I can get one more :D
    Looking forward to it,
    Happy 15th Anniversary WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  5. Stunning ATCs, Jo. Could I have one please? I’ll see you on Saturday at the crop and will have one of mine for you. Looking forward to seeing you there.
    Take care and happy WOYWW anniversary
    Lynnecrafts 14 xx

  6. I adore your badge! i had forgotten we need one so must find one I have somewhere. Am excited now about your atc's - those look fabulous. It is always a pleasure to see you and your sister so I am looking forward to Saturday so much.
    Hugs Neet 8 xx

  7. That's a great badge! I'm so looking forward to seeing all the photos and the badges and ATCs from Saturday but I will be with you all in spirit. I might have to get myself some cake too! I don't have any ATCs but I would love to go on the list for one of yours if you have any spare after Saturday. I hope you all have fun! Happy anniversary, Lisa-Jane #18

  8. Yes! how time flies when we are having fun, I will be so grateful for photos of the crop- I wish I could transport myself as easily as we share each wednesday! looking forward to swapping ATC's with you! I will get them in tomorrow's post. In peace and creativity! Robyn 3

  9. Hi Jo, Loving your ATCs and can't wait to see everyone again at the Crop. Loving the badge too. Wishing you a very happy woyww 15th Anniversary and big hugs, Angela x17x

  10. Your ATC’s are beautiful and I would love to have one if you have one spare. I would really like to know how they are done. If they are needle felted what backing do you use? I was thinking felt. Happy 15th anniversary. Angela #19

  11. I love your badge and your ATC's!! The layers are gorgeous! It looks like a lot of work...Happy 15th anniversary! Lindart #24

  12. You dont need to send your PIF far :-)
    Annie x

  13. Had to come over and wish you a Happy 15th Woyww Jan and always a delight to see your stunning talents displayed here. Well done on using Tilly Tea Dances resources.. Love your name tag :))
    It's been such a long time since I last visited, both Moms care duties have taken me in a completely different direction and especially since my Mom's Alzheimer's diagnosis... it's a hard path to walk on your own...
    Wishing you an amazing day at the crop full of fun, friendship and lots of laughter, it's the best medicine.
    Take care of yourself & the family Hugs Tracey xx

  14. Hi Jo, I'm not joining in this week but I love your ATCs! Just letting you know I emailed you yesterday - I'm hoping you received it and I didn't use an out of date email address!
    Hope you have great crop on Saturday,
    Diana xx

  15. Hello Jo. I love the name badge you made for your get together. A 15th Anniversary - congratulations to all the people involved. I hope you had a wonderful time when you met up at the weekend.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.