Wednesday 8 May 2024


 Good morning all.

We have been enjoying the warmer, drier weather and have had a few outings. On Sunday we met a school friend in Llangollen and visited Plas Newydd and had a lovely lunch and walk beside the canal.

My sewing room has seen a bit of crafty action. I made some ATCs for our anniversary swap and a little hang about bin for a raffle prize.

I will swap ATCs at the crop and pass one forward on Mr Linky next week. 

My latest twiddler is in its naked state here.....

And this is it now that it's finished.

I hope you have been making the most of the improved weather.

Have a great week.

x x Jo 


  1. So looking forward to seeing everyone at the crop Jo. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW Sarah #3

  2. Great twiddler, Jo. Improved weather? well, Saturday was nice, the rest of the BH weekend not so, here anyway! Back at work and the weather improves.. must start calculating when I can afford to retire, lol!! Helen #1

  3. I am so missing out not being able to travel for the crop, never mind. Adore the twiddler especially the rainbow. Hugs BJ#5

  4. Look forward to seeing you at the Crop. Loving the new Twiddler and the little bin. I have a little something too for the raffle but not telling you yet. Happy woyww, Angela x12x

  5. Hello Jo, your post reminded me that we visited Llangollen and Plas Newydd many years ago. Happy memories. Love the twiddler. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Elizabeth x#9

  6. Goodness I miss our trips to Wales so much! I'd love to take a camper van all around the central and north as our in-laws were in Pembrokeshire. Loving the new twiddler and in particular the little worms! Enjoy the sunshine at last, Lisa-Jane #10

  7. Such a fun post, always fun to get together with long time friends. Love your twiddlers also. Have fun at the crop, always wish I could be there, if it wasn't for the past covid year I may have made it while son was in that direction. J will be back in the states next month if all goes as planned. Can't wait to see them all. Have a great week Happy WOYWW

  8. That canal walk looks lovely! Love your little hangabout, I have one that Jan made years ago!! Will have an atc for you at the crop - can't wait!! (Although if hubby asks me one more time where exactly I am going one more time and why, I will be in custody because I will have throttled him!!) Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #11

  9. Great twiddler and hang about bin, Jo. Looking foward to seeing you all next week. 🤞🏻🤞🏻Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 14 xx

  10. Clothed twiddlers look so much nicer 🤣🤣. Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

  11. Even naked that Twiddler looks great! Love it when it got dressed though.
    Plas Newydd brings back some happy memories of days in the caravan down there - miss it but like wheee we are now. Just happy you got a lovely day for your trip out.
    Hugs, Neet xx 8

  12. I used to love to visit Plas Newydd...
    What a lovely bin - and the twiddler is amazing as always!
    With very best wishes for a Happy WOYWW!
    I am determined to call and comment on all of you this week!
    Susan #4
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  13. I do love your hangabout and it's so beautifully made too! I enjoy seeing crafts like these and some lucky person will be going home with a unique prize. You twiddlers really are beautiful too Have a great weekend - Michelle #2

  14. Glad you enjoyed your walk with a friend. The weather has been wonderful this week.
    Lovely Spring hang about bin for someone to enjoy using and your latest twiddler is georgeous. You have such clever ideas to use up oddments of wool.
    Have a good week.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.