Wednesday 27 September 2023


Last week was Ben's birthday and as usual I made him a cake. My cakes are always a bit random - linked to the topic of interest of his year and I always say, not perfect, but good enough is good enough.

So here is his Sonic cake.....

We enjoyed a birthday brunch and then, he kindly told me where he would like to enjoy a birthday tea for my birthday next week! It sounded like a good plan so I had better get booking it up.😀

This week I have mostly been making up workshop packs for Tilly's next three workshops - 40 packs plus spares.

I have also made a few more bins as they are selling well for the charity. 

And then, I knitted a few more red friendship hearts. 

My last little project was a cover for a baby's high chair. Quick and easy using the original Ikea cover as a pattern.

So that's me for this week 

I shall look forward to seeing what all my WOYWW friends have been up to. I can now log onto Julia's blog Stamping Ground again so it's much easier to get around and visit you all. 

Have a good week and get well soon Annie! x x 

x x Jo 


  1. Love Ben's cake Jo - glad he has been thinking hard about your birthday tea too lol. Have a great day. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  2. the Sonic cake looks great! Glad he's got your birthday sorted too.... Happy WOYWW Helen #5

  3. Nice work with Ben’s cake! I think you’ve done a really good job - it takes me back to making them for my boys, I used to have great fun, they weren’t perfect but the lads loved them which is the main thing. Yours looks pretty professional to me!! Well done on your makes this week, the little bins are great, I’m not surprised they’re selling so well.
    Hugs LLJ 7 xx

  4. I love the cake - and the fact that he wants to go out with you for your b'day! (it must be b'day time as mine is next week too!) Love those hanging bins too and can see why they sell well, so usefull! Big hug from the Netherlands, Marit #17

  5. Love the cake, my GS Dx is all about Sonic. Great to see your work is in demand
    Have a good week
    Christine #20

  6. I bet Ben loved his cake! It looks delicious. I did smile when read he was thinking about your birthday tea. Happy WOYWW. Angela #2

  7. Happy birthday to Ben! I've counted 9 candles? Looks like my son is not the only one getting older! Funny how all these kids grow up on our blogs - and very heart-warming too! Love those little storage bins and hope Annie gets better soon. Enjoy your week, Jo! xx zsuzsa #22

  8. It was soooo good to catch up this morning.....I'm hoping I'm more myself by next week cos I have so many customers after my services today. I love the cake and the cover for the high chair cushion is perfect.
    Annie x

  9. Hi Jo, started off okay this morning then got distracted by the garden! Bet the cake tastes as good as it looks. Sounds like you're keeping busy as usual. Wishing you both a happy and creative woyww.Hugs, Angela x14x

  10. Birthday tea sounds brilliant to me, the lad has taste!! The cake is lovely, and you have got Sonic off to a 'T'. Have a good week, love n hugs, Cindy xx #21

  11. What a fabulous cake. It is so much better than the store bought ones. Most impressive.

    Goodness you are busy. You are a sewing genius. And those workshop packs must have taken forever to put together.

    I can see why the bins sell so well. They are very functional as well as beautiful. Happy WOYWW from # 3.

    Failed to publish, but I'll keep trying.

  12. Love Ben’s birthday cake. Well done him for letting you know where you’ll be going with him for your birthday. Wishing you happy birthday too!
    I love your bins and your friendship hearts.
    Take care; enjoy your week
    Lynnecrafts 12 xxx

  13. Posted late so commenting late...Field work moves again and almost finished up with the corn harvest. WEATHER warms up next few days so he'll be hard at doing bean harvest. Long hours and prayers for no break downs or traffic issues taking loads to town elevators. People are so impatient. Repair parts are hard to get sometimes just like shopping who knows who's open or what inventory is available. The cake looks yummy and I love all your fun makes Always great colors. Have a great weekend.

  14. Oh I adore the little red hearts, very special. The cake is super, I've never baked a cake in my life, I love how you did the 9 shape. Oh my goodness the workshop packs, well done you. As for multi media, yes I often just keep adding stuff and yes I end up with a mess too so the one thing I took from this workshop was, if you don't like it or it is too much, cover parts in white paint and reassess. It seemed to work for me. Really glad you have helped me realise what I DID learn this time. Also watched the teacher, squeeze out the white acrylic paint directly onto one of the pieces before moving it around to the others, another string to my bow. Yay Hugs BJ#1

  15. Ben's birthday cake looks amazing. You did a great job.

  16. My word, you have been busy. Love those knitted hearts and Ben's birthday cake - well, that is a winner. I bet he was thrilled when he saw it. Cannot believe he is nine. Where did the years go?
    Hugs, Neet xx 8


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.