Wednesday 4 October 2023


 Good morning all 

These weeks are flying by. I can't believe it's my birthday week again.

This week I fancied making a few cards. Don't get excited you clever folk who do amazing things with card and paper. This is how mine started...

I love a bit of random patchwork. Maxine gave me a little box with scraps of pretty fabric . I used Bondaweb to create a sheet of patchwork by fixing the pieces to a piece of cotton fabric. Then I used a machine stitch to over stitch the edges before cutting them up into small squares.

These are some of the cards I made.

My other crafty activity began when Annie asked if I fancied making some of my Christmas mice for the Harry Johnson charity sale. 

Well I had a 'mouse box" in my sewing room so I cut out and dozen little frocks and felt pieces for the heads. Here are the headless ones ...  

Tada! Here they are finished

All our family have some of these which hang on their Christmas trees each year 

Well that's me for this week 

I will be back here in two weeks. 

Have a great week 

x x Jo 


  1. the cards are beautiful, such a clever idea; and the mice are gorgeous. I hope you have a very happy birthday. happy WOYWW Helen #?

  2. Have a fabulous birthday Jo. Loving all the mice and thos patchwork fabric cards. Stay safe and Happy WoYWW. Sarah #?

  3. Hope your birthday week is a happy one. I am loving the cards, such a great idea to use up all those left over bits of fabric we always can't throw away or card too for that matter. Have a lovely week and a happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x1x

  4. Gosh Jo, those fabric pieces ah e made a lovely patchwork, you really do have an eye for putting pattern and colour together. I love the cards, they're just gorgeous. As are the mice, I love the collection of skirts waiting for bodies, makes me smile to think of them on your Workdesk, patiently!

  5. What a fun post, I truly love the little cards. Some beautiful fabric and patchwork. Sounds like a process I go thru with paper called a Masterboard. Great idea for your left over scraps, but I don't use the critters name...;yuck.. Have a fun weekend

  6. Beautiful cards Jo. Happy birthday for this week! I hope you have a lovely one. Gracie was lying next to me when I was reading your blog and she got quite excited by the idea of headless mice 😹but I think the complete ones are prettier. 🐭
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 15 xxx

  7. Oh my your wee mice are AdoReabLe Jo 🐭 I can just imagine all the chattering they're doing as you bring them to be ... I'm hoping I can give one a forever home if that's okay 😊 I'd love to buy one 🐭 my heart ❤️ did a happpy dance on reading you have a "mouse box " 🥰 Loooove your cards ❤️ Wishing yooou a beeeautiful birthday week 🥳💖❤️ love and hugs Tracy #12 xxx

  8. Great post! Love those cards.. . . and those mice! wow!
    Have a great birthday
    Enjoy your week
    Christine #17

  9. You’re a master at putting scraps together and getting something beautiful, I love those cards, they’re so pretty and a pleasure to receive! Those little mouseys are gorgeous, they’ll sell well, so lovely. Hope you’re having a great birthday!!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xx

  10. And again. I don't know what is going on today but my comments keep disappearing as I've nearly finished. Must be hitting the wrong button somehow!! Very frustrating. I too love a random bit of patchwork but mine is mainly for cards - would also like to do some stitching on my papercraft but don't have a functioning machine at the mo. The mice are just darling - you are so clever!! Have a good week, love n hugs, Cindy xx #14

  11. Your cards are lovely and those little mice are so cute. Happy WOYWW. Angela #9

  12. Happy birthday, Jo. I hope it's the best ever.

    Those cards are fantastic. I love how you layered the various fabrics. also love how you used different decorative stitches on your sewing machine to sew the layers together. And how cute are those little mice. Just adorable. Happy WOYWW from # 4.

  13. First, Happy Birthday!!!! Next, those are the cutest little mice I have ever seen! I have a kind of Christmas collection of mice that live in my Powder Room all December. I'll have to look for these at craft shows and see if anyone else has made them! Your cards are also wonderful - little quilted cards? Who could resist those! Fabulous! Have a great week, Lindart #19

  14. Well,Happy Birthday for whenever it is. I guess you are either going somewhere nice or having a lovely meal out and will be too full to blog.
    Love the cards and the mice are adorable.
    Hugs, Neet 8 xx

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Yay, I think I can comment this week! So, Happy Birthday for when ever it is! Have plenty of cake but not too many candles!! Loving your cards. LOve the cards, what a great idea. I have some really nice 'sewn' quilted papers and they really do look, at first glance, like real cotton, If only I can remember where they are saved on my laptop! Love the mice, if you have a spare one to sell, I'd love one! Keep on crafting! Happy Late WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#20


  17. Happy Birthday to you.
    Your cards are so pretty and are making me think ahead to Spring. The mice are adorable too.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.