Wednesday 20 September 2023


 Apologies for the blurred photos last week. If you were one of the first  few to visit you will hardly have been able to see any detail, so, I did a quick revamp. I had just copied and pasted the first edition from the photo file using my phone, which I had never done before. It obviously doesn't work so I went back to my PC and did it properly.

Hopefully, this week will be an improvement.

This week I have been mostly making Hang about bins  Some for the charity and some for Annie's grandchildren. I spent Saturday afternoon with the girls and they said they would like one for their rooms. Of course,

I also made one for their younger brother too.

Just a bit of fun.

Evenings are now cool enough for knitting so I made a few more Friendship hearts for the hospital. 

Then, these little, spooky characters popped up on Lovecrafts knitting site .

I thought Ben would think they were fun.

I have two more to do which I might share next week.

We are enjoying the Autumn cooler weather and have harvested almost the last of our garden veg.

I picked a couple of massive cucumbers today. Yum!

Have a great week all.

x x Jo 


  1. I must admit it's been nice to be able to sit in the evening in a sweatshirt and not boil! the hearts are pretty and I am sure the hospital will appreciate them. Have a good week, happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. I for one can say how valuable those hearts are Jo. We each had a similar one after Dad died and he had one put into his hand too. Cool faces! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  3. Lots of goodies on show this week and such a variety too. I am sufe Ben will love the spooky face - and probably want to make one himself.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  4. I was going to make a comment about the massive cucumbers but I shall be good (for once…) and refrain - hope you had two good sized tomatoes to go with them though. *grin*
    Love those hangabout bins, how nice that they were requests! The little spooky character is great fun, I like him a lot!!
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  5. Pretty bins, no wonder you've received requests.
    Great hearts . . . .
    Have a good week
    Christine #15

  6. Everything tastes so much better when homegrown,enjoy Jo 🥒💕💗 though Jan has me laughing with her comment 😄 🍅
    Tooo your pretty fabric made into hang about bins for the girls plus one for their brother, such fun monster material for him, bet they all love them!
    To your hearts, how precious they are⭐️
    Loving your spooky wee fellow 💕 you are so talented⭐️ Wishing you a good week ahead with love and hugs Tracy #14 xxx

  7. I thought we might have cut the grass for the last time before we went away, but this weird weather has it coming back, and still the odd tomato reddening in the sheltered spot, bizarre when the blackberries are practically over. Bet you've enjoyed every mouthful of your garden produce, it is so nice isn't it. The bins are a bit of fun, for sure, but they are probably one of the most useful bits of fun,. I'm a fairly frequent shopper at an 'emporium' and the lady there says that the shelf owner who sells hand made fabric goods in there can't keep up with the demand for them. Must be true because I've never seen one on her shelf, I commented on the fabric of the one the lady at the till was using! It's a sign, you knitting again, those little hearts are beautiful, the pattern does elevate them rather.

  8. Have to say the cooler weather is bliss, as I've been really struggling this Summer, love the little knits which reminds me I need to help someone with a knitting puzzle.....Love the bins such a great idea. Hugs BJ#12

  9. Happy to see all your fun projects. LOVE that little yarn man ! But I love all the decor for Halloween and FALL, I am done changing to fall and sold what I did not use. Clearing out !!! No enough time in the day, and we are into the change of leaves, some days are still in the 80's forecast for 4 days of rain so hope each day is gentle. WE NEEDED IT a month ago to help with crops and now a delay and MUD to work thru. ENJOY a great weekend.

  10. Hi Jo, I can understand knitting now that the temperature has cooled down. I used to like knitting but have other things to keep me busy now. I love the little spooky face and would love to see more of them. Fresh cucumber Scrummy!
    Enjoy your day and happy woyww, Angela x11x

  11. I'm doing a quick whizz around my favourite blogs before I get changed to go out [will tell you more on Friday] ....its all go.
    Love all the new colours and the kids will love them too....thanks. See you later.
    Annie x

  12. I love that little spooky face. The hanging bins are so useful, I love mine. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

  13. Those hearts are precious! And those little hanging bags! So cute. I've them before used as sewing "garbage" catchers. The spooky face is great! Spooky! Have a great week, Lindart #19

    PS=Norton has flagged your blog as dangerous, so I have submitted a dispute and hopefully it will work next time. Yours is the 3rd I've had to do this with in WOYWW blogs, the 2nd today. The 1st one I disputed was restored as safe, so hopefully yours will as well. Annoying!

  14. Love the little hearts. Very special.
    Yes, I think it is knitting season now as the nights close in.
    Enjoy your week.
    B x

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