Wednesday 26 July 2023


 It's been another busy week and I just don't know where the time goes  I have been fitting in admin for Tilly Tea Dance in-between hospital visits and Nanny duties.

These are the gorgeous felted bookmarks that a finished off for Tilly. I neaten around them with a lovely, silky satin stitch.

I have also mounted loads of her pictures. This is one of my favourites. It's a needle-felted and embroidered picture of the Shropshire Hills.

We managed a visit to Powis Castle and a quick walk round the beautiful gardens. I love the hollyhocks set against the brick wall. They were almost 8 feet tall.

So that's me for this week.

I hope the weather weather hasn't spoilt your Summer plans

x x Jo 


  1. the bookmarks look stunning! I think the photo from Powis Castle would make a great base fr a Tilly picture too! Happy WoYWW Helen #2

  2. Good early morning Jo, awoke at 1 a.m. to turn the air to cooler temps. We are in a heat advisory and warning to stay in and hydrate. Gas prices sky rocketed overnight and just at vacation time for so many, Hard to believe school will start in 3 weeks.
    Always love your daughter's works. Just amazing. And so sorry for your loss. We had 2 wks of no deaths' seems about 8 wks of funerals here. So many unexpected younger people.But I guess I'm the new Older generation !!!! feel it everyday.
    Your roses are beautiful lost a gift of a new variety over winter It was so productive last year, and am missing the aroma. Enjoy the last part of July and have a happy week.

  3. Gorgeous book marks, they are going to go down well. You look as though you've been very busy this week but at least you have plenty to show for it so that's good. The flowers are beautiful looks like a nice day out. Have a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x9x

  4. Love the pics from Powis castle, those hollyhocks are amazing! Now there’s a flower I’ve never been successful with along with delphiniums. Tilly’s work is beautiful and that pic is gorgeous, hope they all sell well!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  5. Aw, good to know you've managed one trip out, probably very cathartic, you are a busy bee. Those hollyhocks are wonderful, it seems to have been a good year for them, I see them waving over fences almost wherever I walk at the moment! Tilly's bookmarks look beautiful, the binding stitches are just perfect, you are very patient!

  6. What wonderful bookmarks, Jo! The picture of the Clee hills is stunning as well. Powis castle gardens are looking good, too.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 16 x

  7. Quick visits today as I seem to be even busier than usual now that the holidays are here. Gorgeous photos! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #15

  8. Tilly’s picture is absolutely beautiful, no wonder it’s a favourite. The flower photographs are lovely. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  9. Those felted and embroidered bookmarks are amazing. You are such a great mother to help her in that way. That is a stunning felted picture of the Shropshire hills, too. Just stunning.

    I have no idea where Powis Castle is, but you shared some jaw dropping gorgeous photos from the castle grounds. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

  10. I love the book marks and that pic is stunning. We need to get up to Powis Castle some time.
    Annie x

  11. Love love love the bookmarks and picture. Powis gardens look lovely, don't think I've seen a hollyhock this year. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #13

  12. Oh dear, hospital visiting is never easy is it? Hope the person you are visiting is making a good recovery.
    Love the bookmarks and the Shropshire Hills picture - she does some beautiful things, you must be so proud of your daughter.
    Loved Ben's costume she made him the other week, she is just like you for her needle prowess.
    Take care
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  13. Stunning work again by both of you.
    Love the hollyhocks, perfectly planted
    Have a good week
    Christine #18

  14. gorgeous pieces and inspirational garden photos too. Hugs BJ#14

  15. What lovely work you have both been busy! especially love the needle felted picture. We have not been to Powis Castle for years, thank you for sharing xx

  16. I love an English Garden! Just wish I knew how to make one! Have a great week, peace, love and light, Lindart #20


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.