Wednesday 2 August 2023


My desk hasn't seen much crafty action this week  

I have had admin for Tilly and Nanny duties to keep me busy.

I love having Ben to stay and we have enjoyed watching his drawing skills develop. This week he decided we should have a paint off. ..

Mine is on the left, Ben's on the right and his Grandad's flower painting is in the centre .

I think we know who is the most gifted!!

He loves this card.....

My little sis sent it for G's birthday when we were having problems with cats. 

Here is Ben's version...

I think his accuracy is amazing don't you?

And just a few local pics to share with you.

Shrewsbury Flower Show will soon be here. The Dingle in the Quarry park was a picture this Sunday, even in the rain.. . .

And one for LLJ...

The Chester Brass Band were playing in the bandstand - it was really lovely to sit under my umbrella and enjoy some brilliant music. 

So that's me for this week 

Have a good week all.

x x Jo 


  1. all 3 of you are good artists - I'd be hard pressed to judge! Love Ben's version of the cat card (very funny) - he is really good! I've had enough rain now, although according to the tv, it's not been as wet here as many places. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. Hi Jo
    The flower show looks amazing. Too wet up here in Rossendale for visiting any outdoor events sadly.
    I’m doing a charity walk a mile a day during August for Maggies cancer centres and it’s looking like I’ll be making good use of my wellies and brolly.
    Hope all is well with you and yours
    Lynn xx

  3. Lovely photos Jo.
    The paintings and Ben's drawing are great - just how old is Ben? If I am in the right ball area he is showing a heck of a lot of talent.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  4. Wow- Ben has an amazing talent and you and grandad aren’t too bad either. Catriona

  5. I would have been hard pressed to decide which picture was Ben's Jo. He is extremely talented. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #15

  6. Well, Ben comes from talent and it's definitely a blood line isn't it! Love his rendition of the cat. And hmm, great birthday card...we are the only people in a street of 13 who don't have a cat, so it's a constant issue for us! Hope the horrid weather doesn't spoil any of your Nanny plans. The a single looks spectacular doesn't it, what a great display.

  7. That’s a fab bandstand and how lovely to see a band playing out - it’s such a great thing to be part of! The gardens look beautiful, I remember walking through there on a previous visit. Ben is a very good artist but given you and Tilly, it’s not surprising really!!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  8. I love all the artwork Jo.....such a lot of talent around the family Jo.
    Annie x

  9. Looks as though you are all talented but the kat takes the cake . . as well as the other accoutrements!!!
    How super to have such wonderful gardens to wander through, our parks have lost all their flower beds . . such a shame.
    Have a creative week
    Christine #18

  10. What a wonderfully creative family you are. I laughed at the birthday card 🤣🤣 happy WOYWW. Angela #9

  11. Beautiful park pics, gorgeous flowers. Ben is very talented, loving the art work. I can well understand the cat problem, just wish they would do it in their own garden. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x8x

  12. Ben is really talented, Ko and I love the drawing of the cat.
    Shrewsbury is looking grand.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 12 x

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Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.