Wednesday 19 July 2023


 Last week just flew by and here we are on Wednesday, sharing our workspaces with all our WOYWW friends across the globe.

Firstly, I must apologize for not managing to visit any work desks last week. It was a strange week for all sorts of reasons, culminating with the loss of one of our elderly friends. I have a feeling this week may be similar.

I have managed a little bit of crafting. It is the best stress buster isn't it?

My friend asked if I could make some little coin purses for her to give to her grandchildren with some holiday pennies.

So, out came the recycled denim and my box of trimmings  

Strangely, even though each purse started out with a similar piece of denim, they all seem slightly different in sizes!! 

Here is my latest twiddler.

Under the sea...

Lastly, just look at this gorgeous rose. 

It began life climbing up my Godmother's summer house. Then progressed to my Dad's garage wall. My little sis took cuttings before they moved and we had one each. Mine has really flourished this year. Hopefully we can get it to climb up our wall too.

Well that's me for this week.

Have a great week everyone.

 x x Jo 


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Desks can wait till you have time! the little purses are sure to be useful for your friend's grandchildren.

    Gorgeous rose, indeed. Happy WOYWW Helen #3

  2. So sorry to hear about your friend, Jo. The little purses are such a lovely thing for holiday pennies and the children will love them. Twiddler is a great theme for this weather too. Happy stitching. Catriona

  3. How sad to lose a friend. My heart goes out to you.

    You must have a plethora of colorful zippers. I was truly impressed with those little coin purses. I like you latest twiddler, too.It certainly looks like a scene from under the sea.

    Your roses are beautiful. Annie has a green thumb, so I am sure your rose bush will climb to the rafters very soon. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

  4. Not a happy time for you, stay strong.
    Just love that rose, such a great colour and an abundance to flowers . .
    Take care
    Christine #18

  5. Oh I'm so sorry that you've lost a friend, what a hard week it's been for you. You're right about the therapy of some crafts work. I hope it's given a you some quiet time to just enjoy some happy memories. The rose is sublime, so many flowers, will it naturally climb or will you need to tether it in some way? Can you tell that my gardening skills are grounded! Sending hugs to sustain you this week too.

  6. I’m sorry to hear one of your friends has passed away, were they one of the couple you’ve been visiting such a lot? Sending big hugs to you xx. I love those little coin purses, it makes me smile to hear about the different sizes though because the very same thing happens with my string quilt squares, I trim them with the same size ruler and they’re all slightly different…go figure!
    Hugs LLJ 13 xx

  7. The rose looks stunning....mine alas don't look so good. Love the little purses. Thanks for the coffee and catch up this's so good to be able to get together often.
    Love you lots,
    Annie xxx

  8. Its soooo great to be able to whizz round and visit everyone! I have a working link after months and months! (don't ask how...I can't remember what I did differently) As always. I love your twindlers and those little purses will be so loved! Have a good week and keep on doing what you like doing best! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#07

  9. Sadly the older we get the more friends we tend to lose. Loving the ;little purses though, that's quite a few Grandchildren. Loving your rose bush. the story reminds me of one our family have. My Grandfather and Grandmother brought a white lilac from Staffordshire and when they dies I dug it up and took it to my mother's house where it stayed until we bought our first house in Ashton in Makerfield near Wigan, it then went there for eleven years and several suckers were given away to friends. We then moved to Lincoln and I dug it up again and moved it here. Our garden is now full of it's babies and so is my friends house though sadly the original plant has now gone. Wishing you a very happy and creative WOYWW, Angela x8x

  10. Sorry to hear about your friend passing away. What a lovely friend you are making those lovely purses. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

  11. So sorry to hear about your friend.
    The little purses are a lovely idea. Take care. Anne x 18

  12. Sorry to hear about your friend, hope this week is better. You still seem to have got a lot done. The coin purses are cute and I love that twiddler. I think roses are doing well this year, all that early rain I guess and your one certainly has some family history which is lovely. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #15


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.