Wednesday 8 February 2023


 Good morning all.

It's been another busy week but not much time for crafting.

I did buy some new yarn - a pretty, random yarn called Cherish. An appropriate name for my little Friendship hearts.

Of course, as it's random, if I wasn't careful, they wouldn't be matching pairs. So, a little bit of twiddling was needed to get it right .

I think I've got the trick now don't you?

It's a really cold, frosty day today but hopefully we will have more beautiful sunshine. We have had some awesome sunrises and sunsets this week.

Short and sweet today.

I have lots to as we took down Tilly's exhibition yesterday and I have the remaining stock to sort, ready to go out to the next venue 

Have a good week.

x x Jo 


  1. I can see you now, finding the exact spot on the yarn so as to make the hearts matching! You have patience I will never possess but it’s worth the effort as the matchingness (not a word but you know what I mean!) makes the hearts more special.
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  2. Great hearts, super colours and patterns . . clever you.
    Best of luck with the sorting, tidying etc.
    have a good week
    Christine #12

  3. I love the matching hearts and have such happy memories at finding the right place on thee yarn in the past lol.
    Good luck with the stock sorting.
    Annie x

  4. Loooving the hearts Jo 💖💟💕💟💖 so talented you are and all matching too ⭐️ Oh my giddy aunt how fabulous are those covers you made last week to stop everything falling out ... genius that is ⭐️Sending you much love and hugs, have a gorgeous week ahead Tracy #9 xxx

  5. Hi Jo, goodness, but you did give yourself a fiddly job there. However, you've triumphed and the hearts are matching beautifully. Have a good day sorting out Tilly stuff. Hugs, Ellie x #15

  6. Short and sweet is good Jo. Loving the little hearts they are so cute. It was very cold here this morning but nice and sunny now. Try not to work too hard. Sending happy woyww hugs, Angela x7x

  7. What a great job getting those lovely hearts to match up Jo. Hope you had a great sorting day. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  8. Hurray-I can comment again! Beautiful little hearts-clever you making them matching.

  9. I am like Jan, can just see you sitting there shuffling the yarn along to get the patterns right! they look beautiful. Happy WOYWW Helen #3

  10. I love the hearts and what a wonderful name for the wool - Cherish! Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

  11. Oh these are just super cute!! Can't imagine trying to pair up a random yarn though - patience of a saint!! Happy WOYWW, love n hugs Cindyxx #4

  12. Yes, Jo, I think you have the knack for getting those hearts right. They are beautiful.
    Struggling with my neck which is why I am so late visiting, sorry.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  13. By a ‘little twiddling’, I’m guessing you mean working out, ravelling and unravelling and finding points that would cause me to behave like a two year old in a tantrum!! You are so gently patient Twiglet, and I love the matching heart pairs.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.