Wednesday 15 February 2023


 Another week, another Wednesday. 

This week I had a sort out in my sewing room.

I found a big pile of old denim jeans that I had been hoarding. You know how it is. - I could see potential in them but just never got round to doing anything with them.

So, I decided that I would try and make a little something as often as possible until  I had used all the old jeans.

My first attempt was this little zippy purse.

And then, I made a little hang over bin for Ben's desk in his bedroom.

Of course, I still have plenty of jeans left for more little items. I do have to say thanks to Annie who keeps sending me Pinterest ideas but would like to remind her that I said "small items". She sent me a link to denim covered arm chair and a large denim patchwork quilt! 🤣🤣

So that's me for this week.

Apologies for not getting to many desks last week.

I promise I will try harder this week.

x x Jo 


  1. Loving the denim items Jo. A great use of old jeans. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  2. Great way to use up the denim. Have a great week Happy WOYWW Helen #3

  3. Doorstops, draughty excluders or cushions for using up the denim maybe? Apart from pencil cases and purses, can’t think of anything smaller! The little zippy purse is lovely and so neat, love the red zip and touch of gingham.
    Hugs LLJ 9 xx

  4. Great ideas for using up the fabric. I have one of those little bins, they are so useful at the craft club. Look forward to seeing what else you make. Happy creative woyww, Angela x10x

  5. You could always cover them with quick drying cement and turn them into planters!!
    Love the zippy purse.
    Have fun
    Christine #15

  6. I have a bin like that - courtesy of LLJ!! Great use of denim but the only potential I see in my hoarded denim is that I might get into them again one day. Happy WOYWW, love n hugs Cindy xx #11

  7. Those bins are super - we still have one operating from when Jo first introduced us to them. She always said she would make another to match the furnishings but sadly time went on and now it is too late. Not that I mind, I love the one we have - Clarice Cliff fabric.
    Good luck with all the denim - guess the ideas from sis were a little too large to do in an hour or so LOL
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  8. You did say you had lots of denim to usee up lol I love what you've made so far.
    Annie x

  9. Love your denim items, I find denim a bit hard to sew with. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

  10. 😂 laughing at Annie’s sudden ambition for your denim projects! These two look grand, I can’t suggest anything else to be honest, I rather suspect that you will come up with loads of ideas, I always find that I’m making something and another idea pops into my had that makes me want to panic finish what I’m do8ng so I can start 9n the next before forgetting!

  11. Love what you have made so far. I tend to make notebook covers or mug rugs with smaller pieces of fabric but during my sort out realised I had far too much fabric and passed some on to a friend. Hugs, Chrisx #18

  12. So cute! I love both projects, and in my head you whip these things up in no time - so talented! Have a great week, Lindart #19

  13. I do like Annie's idea of small! Your purse looks smart and the little hanging bin is very clever.
    take care
    Lynnecrafts 12

  14. Good morning, Twiglet. I have one of those bins as well. I had a project in mind but won't work for our new bed so will have to come up with something else. Creative Blessings! Kelly #17


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.