Wednesday 1 February 2023


 Well this year is off to a fast start! How did we get to the end of January so quickly? Hubby celebrated his birthday this week and Ben drew him a brilliant portrait picture. He says he is going to be an artist - I think he is one already!......

My trusty machine has been in action this week and I made two little covers for Tilly's baskets. 

She takes them to her workshops- with her inspiration packs etc., for sale. I bring them back to re stock for her. So, to stop bits falling out in the boot, as I carry them home, I decided they needed little elasticated covers ...

Job done!

And here is a little rainbow for you...

Have a great week all.

I will look forward to a trip round the desks when I get back from lunch out with our friends.😀

x x Jo 


  1. the covers for the baskets are a great idea! Ben has definitely got the artistic gene, great portrait! Happy WOYWW Helen #?

  2. Ben is an artist indeed Jo. Loving those useful basket covers and latest twiddler too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  3. I think those elasticated covers are a simple solution which works brilliantly - it doesn’t have to be complicated does it? My life revolves around keeping things as simple and straightforward as possible these days, I don’t do complex or drama anymore! Love the portrait by Ben, I think he caught your hubby perfectly!
    Hugs LLJ xxx

  4. An artist in ther making for sure! I'm sure the covers used to be popular for covering baskets years ago and they bare a great idea. Good to see you bringing the idea back again. Happy woyww creating, Angela x?x

  5. Hope your lunch was good, friends make for special times.
    Love the idea of your covers for the baskets, careful you are not asked to make more . . . to sell this time!
    have a good week
    Christine #12

  6. Fab basket covers Jo....think I recognise that fabric. Love the latest twiddler and Ben's drawing of the birthday boy.
    Annie x

  7. Brilliant idea, basket covers. Pretty twiddler. Have a great week. Angela #1

  8. I love the portrait by Ben - he must get his artistic gene from his Mum and Grandma! I love the rainbow twiddler too, so lovely and bright to liven up a dull day.
    Hope you had a nice lunch with your friends,
    Diana xx #8

  9. brilliant portrait! I know you will keep him well supplied with color and inspiriation. Robyn 19

  10. Hello Jo. Those basket covers are fab and a clever idea.
    The portrait is very, very good. Take care Anne x 21

  11. Genius idea for the baskets Jo, honestly, you really do have some fab ideas, neatly arranged and organised basket fulls that go walkabout in the car are a familiar thing to me and they sort of make me say rude words…never look so good on hasty rearranging! As for the portrait of Mr Twiglet…love it, I hope he does too. Well done Ben!


  12. Those basket cover look great,Jo. Very professional looking.
    What a lovely young artist Ben is and how thoughtful to draw a portrait of someone he cares so much about.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.