Wednesday 25 January 2023


Well it's been another chilly week and here we are again sharing our work desks for all to see.

I have sorted all the woolly yarn and fluff for Tilly's newest workshop. She has been asked to devise a "McFeltie" workshop so I will be making packs with all this lovely stuff.

The original McFeltie resides in Scotland and is about 70 x 50 cms.
Of course, the delegates on Tilly's worship will be making pictures about the size of the card in the photo. I might even sign up to the workshop myself. It would be a fun day, I think.

Below you can see the front and back of my Springtime twiddler. Lots of textures and colour, together with bits and bobs, inside and out, to twiddle.

And then I made another footie twiddler - one for the "reds" this time!

Have a good week all.
x x  Jo 


  1. Those colours are stunning! what a great workshop that will be - I'm not surprised you want to attend too! The spring twiddlers are gorgeous. saying nothing about the footie one! Happy WOYWW #2 Helen xx

  2. I just fall in love with every Twiddler I see. They always remind me of a piece I have hanging in the room where I make my cards. It's very old now as I made it when I was at college and I must show it to you some time. Wishing you a very happy and hopefully some more creative woyww time. Hugs Angela x10x

  3. Silly me read the last one as a foot warmer and I was pondering how to get your feet in when it became apparent you had said 'footie'. Doh! It's still early.
    Love them all and the class sounds amazing.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  4. Those twiddlers are fantastic, I love the rainbows made from chains so much and the little footballs are genius, I had to zoom in to see what you’d done, very simple but so clever! The McFeltie workshop sounds a lot of fun!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  5. I love the idea of a McFeltie workshop, sounds like fun and those colours for it are gorgeous. I love your little twiddlers too - the blossom tree is adorable and those little sheep - amazing details.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #15

  6. he! he! I read footie twiddler and thought it was for the feet and thought what a good idea!!!
    I just love those highland cows. When we used to travel round Scotland there was a local shop with a field nearby. The cow, Hamish, lived there and the locals had made up a really good story about him. Us, tourists used to buy his 'food' in the shop so they both welcomed us!!
    Amazing how a post can bring so many happy memories back to the reader. Thank you.
    Enjoy the workshop
    Christine #19

  7. The Mc Feltie workshop sounds fun...I'm sure that will be filled up very quickly. Love the latest twiddlers.
    Annie x # 8

  8. Super twiddlers as always. Love all that gorgeous wool. May have to get my stash out and try again! Sadly bit far for me for a workshop. Happy WOYWW, have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #13

  9. I looked up Mc Feltie ,but to no avail. What is it? Beautiful twiddlers. Angela #12

  10. Oh my Jo I am totally in loooove with your Spring Twiddler 🌼🌱 I need a twiddler 😊 wishing you so much joy putting together the packs for Tilly ❤ lush they are! Oh the workshop sounds grand with the Highland Coo 😘 Wishing you much joy in your week with love and hugs Tracy #21 xxx

  11. Your Twiddlers are so creative, must be so much fun to make! Good luck with your workshop! Lindart #22

  12. The MacFeltie colours are gorgeous and I love your twiddlers. Happy belated WOYWW. Take care of yourself, with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#17)

  13. I think you’re right to sign up for the workshop, mcFeltie looks gorgeous, those colours are great. As always, wonderful twiddlers, you’ve been really busy. I’m fed up with the cold now, especially these grey days.


  14. It sounds like the McFeltie workshop will be great fun for everyone who attends.
    Great new twiddlers :-)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.