Wednesday 4 January 2023


 Welcome to our first Wednesday desk share of 2023. I hope you are all well and looking forward to all the exciting times a new year will bring.

I packed away all my Christmas things on Monday but wanted to share all the lovely handmade cards that I received this time.....

So much time and effort spent on each one.

My favourite was this lovely winter sunset over Snowdon. It was beautifully needle felted by my clever daughter Tilly Tea Dance. I think she is designing a workshop on sunsets so I may have to give it back so that she can use it as a sample!

 My task this week is to make up about 25 workshop packs for her so I will be busy in the sewing room. Hopefully we can find time for a staff meeting too, to discuss plans for 2023. I love the thought of planning a year of activities to help Tilly develop her business. Here's hoping for another brilliant year.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. Looking forward to being able to take another workshop with Maxine once the eyes are both done Jo. Good luck with the pack sorting. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW Sarah #1

  2. Happy new year Jo
    Its nice to see you getting off to a good start.
    I hope 2023 is kind to you and yours
    Lynn xx

  3. I always like to keep the handmade cards, you never know when you might need a bit of inspiration next year! Have a lovely New Year woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

  4. What a fab selection of cards Jo and I love Max’s latest design.
    Annie x

  5. I am still receiving this year's cards so may post a picture of the lovely handmade ones I have received next week! Love the sunset felting! Happy new year and WOYWW! Susan #4

  6. Some beautiful cards there, people are so clever! That’s a beautiful sunset too, I’m sure a workshop on that will go down great guns. I’d very much like to meet up this year as well, let’s definitely do it, perhaps a spur of the moment thing?! I’m going to have Wing It tattooed somewhere, lol!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxxx

  7. Great selection of cards, your daughter is just so talented.
    Wonderful that you can help with the business, I used to love helping to sort out Peter's work plans and setting up his stalls. Sometimes in the cold and/or rain I hated it but now they are just happy memories . . . . just like these times will become.
    Have a good week and take care
    Christine #16

  8. What a lovely selection of cards and Maxine's one is especially lovely. Enjoy helping out. Happy New Year and Happy WOYWW. Love & God Bless, Caro xx (#15)

  9. I hadn't thought to photograph my cards yet but they're still up til the 6th so might then! Happy woyww Helen #2

  10. Hi there Jo!! Great selection of cards, handmade are the best! Love the sunset needlefelt too, just so pretty. How great to plan a whole year of crafting. Happy New Year, have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #11

  11. Oh I always love the homemade cards. I didn't send out many to our U S friends and none to overseas with postal issues I'll wait....mail is messed up here with weather and road conditions for the past few weeks. Wishing you and yours the Best for 2023

  12. You are the perfect back room staff Miss Twiggers, and I’m excited for you to see how you can help Tilly develop her Tea advance even further. You’re right about sunset over snowdon too, isn’t it atmospheric! A very happy and healthy and lovely New Year to you. Xxx

  13. Lovely Christmas cards and a wonderful felted scene. Happy WOYWW. Angela #19

  14. What a super collection of handmade cards, all so very different, unique and special. Love the needle felt, something I have never tried! Hugs BJ#14

  15. The handmade cards are lovely,so special and personal especially the one from your daughter. Happy 2023 x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.