Wednesday 11 January 2023


 Good morning all!

Well here we are whizzing through January, thankfully all well and plenty to do to keep me busy.

Annie fancied a new Roman blind for her bathroom this week. Now, as you know, she is a wonderful needlewoman but blinds are my thing. So, she gave me the fabric and her old blind on Saturday, and by Monday morning she had a pretty seashell design blind all ready to hang up.

Along with the blind, I have made some birthday cards (forgot to snap them).

Also, there is a new bunch of twiddlers mounting up ready for the hospital. . . .

So, business as usual for 2023 then!

Have a great week all!

xx Jo


  1. Oh what a pretty blind for Annie Jo - I bet she loves it. The twiddlers are fabulous too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. oh, Annie's blind looks fabulous - I am sure she loves it! the twiddlers look fabulous too. Happy WOYWW Helen #4

  3. Oh the talents you girls have. I need new blinds...hop on over and we'll talk about it. I have fabric here and waiting. Love those twiddlers. Enjoy a good week Happy WOYWW #14

  4. That’s a lovely blind, you made a great job there! If I lived closer, I’d have been asking you to make me one but I needed one quick and ended up buying one! Great twiddlers, I was wondering how you did the rainbows so well so zoomed in for a closer look, using chains was inspired, it works so well, clever lass!
    Hugs LLJ 1 xx

  5. Ooh the twiddlers, it’s a while since I’ve seen them.
    I’d forgotten how they make me smile 😊
    They are gorgeous Jo.
    And so is Annie’s blind
    Lynn xx 11

  6. The blind is fab makes me smile every time I walk in the bathroom...thanks so much. The latest twiddlers are energy more gorgeous in real life.
    Annie x

  7. Love the blind and what a gorgeous set of twiddlers!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #6

  8. What a great creative pile. Love the blind, and the twiddlers . . . they are a major piece of artwork in my book.
    Have a good week
    Christine #17

  9. Super blind and loving the twiddlers, especially the rainbow ones. Hugs BJ#2

  10. What a lovely blind - Annie will definitely love that, and the twiddlers are all fantastic as usual Happy WOYWW. Take care of yourself, with love & God Bless, Caro x (#12)

  11. Great projects as usual and loving the blind too. The Twiddlers are so special. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

  12. Looks like you've made a cracking start to the New Year! Love the blind and your twiddlers - as ever - are such fun! Happy WOYWW, love n hugs Cindy xx #11

  13. Beautiful twiddlers. Just putting away the Christmas craft today, so I can start this years x Angela #18


  14. You have been busy making a very pretty Roman blind for Annie's bathroom. It looks amazing.
    Every twiddler that you have made makes me smile. They are gorgeous.
    Have a good week.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.