Wednesday 28 December 2022


 Well, that was Christmas - doesn't time fly!

I hope you all had a lovely time. We had a wonderful family lunch followed by a quiet few days.

Today we have our little house guest for a day or two. He drew a portrait of me last week and as he finished he said "I've missed out the bits that make you look old cos you think you're young don't you!"

I love him to bits.

I have been doing a few little jobs in the evenings.

Tillyteadance needed a few brooches finishing and packing.....

Then, I noticed an appeal for little hearts for the hospital. So I knitted a few pairs. They are called Friendship Hearts.. They are gifted to families whose loved ones are receiving end of life care.

They are presented in pairs so that one is kept by the patient and the other, identical one, goes to their family, along with a little poem.

These things mean a lot to some folk so, I am happy to use my stash to help out.

Well, that's it for this week except to wish you all the very best for 2023. Thanks for yet another year of friendship and crafty desk sharing. Long may it continue!

Best wishes

Jo x x 


  1. Morning Jo. and glad you had a good Christmas with the family and then some quiet time too (perfect!!) the hearts are such a lovely idea, I am sure they will be appreciated by the hospital. Have fun with your house guest! I am sure you will enjoy his company. Happy New Year! Helen #?

  2. So pleased you had a good Christmas, so did we, didn’t do much but had fun not doing it, lol! Those little hearts are gorgeous and will be much cherished I’m sure, a lovely way to use up scraps of yarn too.
    Wishing you and the family a happy and healthy 2023!
    Much love,
    LLJ xxx

  3. Well done you for knitting the hearts Jo....time well spent. Enjoy your time with your little visitor.
    Annie x

  4. Great work as always, Jo. Enjoy your day with the Lego🤣

  5. Such a great desk share today. Happy New Year and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  6. Oh the brooches are delightful and the hearts so special. Happy New Year BJ#1

  7. Those hearts are a super way to use up your leftover wools, well done you.
    Wishing you good health and happiness in 2023
    Christine #3

  8. The brooches with the sheep and the little flowers are so lovely! Best wishes for 2023, Jo! xx zsuzsa #7

  9. Well done on knitting those hearts. You are an angel in disguise spreading your love and care throughout the community. God Bless.
    Hugs, Neet xx 13

  10. Hi Jo loving the little hearts, we received one of these when my father dies in hospital and I still have it. Wishing you a very creative woyww and a happy New Year. Hugs, Angela x15x

  11. Your little visitor sounds such fun ;-)
    I made some of the hearts as well. Really pleased to do so.
    Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2023. Anne x 17

  12. The hearts are such a lovely way to use up spare yarn and will be so appreciated by those who receive them. Happy New Year:-)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.