Wednesday 7 December 2022


 Good morning all.

Well, here we are in December, so I am busy with all kinds of crafty activity. I have just packed my latest Christmas twiddlers ready for the hospital. I hope they will bring a bit of cheer to the patients who need them. (No photo!)

This is my latest with all the bits and bobs ready for me to stitch on.

Last week I needed ribbon and was horrified by the tangle that greeted me in my ribbon box. So on rainy day, what better job than to sort through a rainbow of ribbons. This is what it looks like now...

And finally, this is one of the many wonderful trees at Attingham Park this year. 

They themed them all - so many I lost count. The theme was linked to trades used within the hall over the years. It really is worth booking in for a visit if you can. (Free to Nat. Trust members)

So that's it for this week. I must plod on with my cards. I think I will limit them to local recipients from now on as I very much doubt if the Royal Mail will deliver in time for Christmas this year. 

You lovely WOYWWers may just have to share the Christmas greeting that I post here in Christmas week. Let's hope the strikes get sorted for all soon.

Enjoy your crafting.

xxx Jo


  1. I am fed up with all the strikes going on, disrupting things.. I know a lot of them are for very good reason, but they are so annoying to the public and don't seem to be having much success! I am with you on posting cards. The tree looks good, wish that I could have one like that! Happy ribbon sorting, time well spent indeed. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

  2. Love the Twiddler and the Christmas tree is gorgeous. I've sent out most of my Christmas cards as I don't want the family to think I've forgotten them and they will get there sometime I'm sure. Have a good woyww and happy crafting, Angela x11x

  3. Love the festive twiddler, such a gorgeous colour! And wow, I’m really impressed with that beautifully sorted box of ribbons, such a satisfying job to do with great results! Gorgeous tree, I loved Attingham Park, thought it was a lovely place.
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  4. Love the latest twiddler....the Christmas ones were fab and I'm sure will brighten someone's day. Love the Attingham tree. Ours is going up today but we will wait for our little elves to visit at the weekend to deck it for us.
    Annie x
    ps I can smell that cake from here :-)

  5. Our world is so messed up with strikes for every kind of business. Businesses close with no warning, no products, double prices. I was going to make several cards for international mail maybe I'll rethink that now. We have issues here but some are working double and triple routes. Your ribbon box is'd be in a tissy if you saw mine !!! ENJOY the week

  6. I have posted the cards that needed posting so hoping they get to their destination by Christmas. My sister has received hers in Spain. I just looked at Annie’s post of 2010 on Dumfing! Intriguing. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  7. I am not posting any cards this year either Jo and I am sure that there are many more who feel the same. What lovely neat ribbon you have now. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  8. We haven't even written our cards yet this year 0 we don't usually send many but were going to send some to our parents and old neighbours this year...maybe they will get them in time for New Year!

    Hope you have a good week ahead,
    Carmen #17

  9. I love a tidy and toss- my ribbon box- I was once a rep for Mays arts ribbon- maybe this will inspire me to tackle it- maybe a NYR?
    Robyn 10

  10. I feel sorry for the strikers but I do think that hitting the public at Christmas is bad and so my sympathy has waned. What about the little ones wanting a letter from Santa? Monetary gifts from aunty etc.
    Love your latest twiddler, very warm looking.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. I think Neet is on to something, embellished mittens! Your twiddlers always look so fab, the cross over would work well! It’s a shame about the Christmas post isn’t it, I’ve sent some, more in hope than expectation at this point! Is WOYWWers will enjoy your Christmas greeting in whatever format you deliver it!

  12. Lovely Twiddler as usual! They would be fun as mittens! I love looking at themed trees! We used to have an event called The Festival of the Trees many years ago. It was great fun looking at all the different trees. I'm sad that they don't do it anymore. Have a great week, hope your cards get to where they are going, Lindart #16


  13. I have sent far less physical cards this year and I think that is the way it's going to be. For those friends and family who have WhatsApp I took a picture of one of my handmade cards and sent that with a greeting. Otherwise a text or phone call.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.