Wednesday 14 December 2022


 Another week another Wednesday and time for all our WOYWW friends to share their desks and crafty activity.

This week,apart from shopping, parcel wrapping and all the usual pre Christmas baking etc, I made a box of tiny knitties for Ben and his buddies!

I knitted 16 of these and popped a Lindor chocolate in each one. They will make nice little gifts and also help decorate our Christmas table 

I made Rudolfs, Robins, Santa's, Snowmen and Christmas trees....

I saw an idea on

Pinterest for a little silk painted card so, this is what Ben helped me to make...

I printed tiny copies to go on his little cards for his school friends. I think he was pleased with the result. He loves to draw but needs to be "encouraged" to try other media.đŸ˜€

I hope you have managed to keep cosy over the last week. We have been lucky, although it's been very cold, we haven't had snow yet.

Enjoy your crafty activity and pre Christmas fun.

x x Jo


  1. What a lovely card Ben helped with Jo - I am sure his friends will love them. The knitted critters are so cute too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. Love the card, so sweet and I love that Ben is so keen on drawing. the knitted chocolate holders are fab! We had about an inch of snow, a lot has gone but my cul-de-sac holds on to it longer so we still have some. Not enough to snow me in though. Have a good week and Happy WOYWW Helen #?

  3. Love the silk painting card...I bet Ben was really chuffed.
    Ps I used a piece of your fabric and it went together perfectly...thanks xxxx

  4. Hi Jo
    I can send you some of the snow we’ve had if you like, it’s still hanging around.
    Wishing you a happy Christmas in case I’m not back again before the big day
    And a healthy and happy new year
    Love Lynn xx

  5. Love your tinies, and chocolate in side is a brill bonus!
    Have a good week
    Christine #12

  6. Oh I love the Rudolph and Robin, they’re very cute and even better that there’s a choccy inside! I’m watching a very territorial robin right at this moment, he doesn’t go on the seed feeder but is determined that other birds shouldn’t! The sparrows are very clever though and nip in when his back is turned, lol!! Love the card, great design from a great team!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xx

  7. Very cute knitted ornaments and the card Ben helped you make. A lovely idea to print off copies for his friends. Angela #5

  8. I love to see the ideas presented to the children. So fun to have them have a basis to try. I have one in each family who loves to draw/create. Sky is 12 and designing clothes on paper. Really great ideas. One DIL is really doing a LOT with a new Cricut to help the school Band make money, *wood worded panels, Gnomes, etc the other is a Food maker WOW her eggrolls/Asian food is totally awesome, now catering parties. I only wish I had time with all of them. Your fun yarn projects are always so cute. Great ideas Enjoy that time together little Ben will grow up way to fast. Stay warm

  9. Love your little knitties and the cards you made.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 14

  10. I'm late today as we've actually been out which was nice. Loving your makes today they are so sweet. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x10x

  11. Oh those little knitties are adorable! What a super idea for a little treat. I love the silk painting, the design is awesome, and I think you’re awes9me too, for gently showing Ben how much he can do with the skill he already has with a pencil!

  12. The little bird choir is so cute! Ben must be very proud! And the little knitted candy holders - what a great little giftie! Have a great week, Lindart #16


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.