Wednesday 30 November 2022


 Good morning all.

Today I am helping Tilly Tea Dance to set up her exhibition at Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre.

I am just hoping that I have managed to get everything labelled and listed correctly.

She has a lot of lovely artwork, cards, coasters, bookmarks etc. Fingers crossed that the good folk in the area love it and want to buy it!

Here are a few of her pictures which are for sale...

Below are the latest cheery twiddlers.
Those giant buttons are perfect for the job - very tactile and bright so a good visual stimulus too.

I am hoping that I get a chance to link with Julia before I set off - if not I will try when I get home.
(I have actually managed to do it from my phone for the last 2 weeks and even leave Julia a comment which I hadn't been able to do for ages.)

Have a good week all.
xx Jo


  1. I hope Max has a good turnout for the exhibition and sells lots! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. Hope all goes well and that Maxine sells her work quickly. Sorry I missed you on Saturday but I am avoiding driving in the dark now so needed to set off home again early. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  3. What gorgeous colours on that twiddler to brighten up a dull day! They never fail to amaze me, how a simple design can come to life in your skilled hands xx. Hope all goes well for the exhibition!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  4. Beautiul felted pictures, I'm sure they will go like hot cakes. Loving the new Twiddlers too. Have a fun woyww whatever you are up to today, hugs Angela x10x

  5. Hope there is a big turn out of buyers for the exhibition. And how fun are those twiddlers ! Always amazing. ENJOY your time together and Best Wishes

  6. Hellooo Jo 🥰 Such beautiful works of art that I'm sure will be finding forever homes ⭐️ wishing a fabulous exhibition ahead with a good turn out ⭐️⭐️⭐️You are a treasure for helping out ❤ Toooo your Twiddlers that slways make me smile,gorgeous they are!! Wishing 🤗 you a beautiful week ahead with love and hugs Tracy #12 xxx

  7. Hello Jo! Such lovely little treasures - what's not to like? A wonderful twiddler in gorgeous colours. Happy WOYWW, have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #14

  8. Good to hear the setting up has gone well....lets hope she sells loads.
    Annie x

  9. Lovely bright coloured twiddlers. I hope your daughter does well with her exhibition. Happy WOYWW. Angela #7

  10. Your phone is actually brilliant! So happy to see you and I hope it’s not a mega effort. hope the day has been successful, I just can’t imagine that it won’t have been, Tillys stuffs is just too lovely. I agree about the cheerful big buttons, a lovely perfect final twiddleable embellishment!

  11. It’s great that you are able to help Tilly with her exhibition and I hope she has success with her lovely work. Twiddlers are lovely and bright and will be comforting for someone who needs them.

  12. Enjoy your day with Tilly, and hope it was successful. I have a new phone and managed to post my blog from it this week. Ani

  13. Love the colourful twiddlers and the lilac picture is dreamy. Hugs BJ#18


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.