Wednesday 23 November 2022


 Good morning all.

I hope you are managing to stay cosy in this cold wet weather. 

Here is a nice cheery photo for you button lovers out there...

Some of them are about 4 cms wide so really tactile and chunky.
They were a gift and are just perfect for adding to my twiddle mitts to brighten them up.

This week I have been mostly knitting in the few spare moments that I have had.

I am making another 4 ply pale pink ballet cardi. It is not my favourite job but is for a best friend's granddaughter so I don't mind. I am just stitching it up so will hopefully add a picture before I post this.

On Saturday I took Ben to special show by the author Jeff Kinney who writes the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. Ben loves them. We each got a signed copy of his latest book included in the price of the ticket! It was a fun event. Ben is keen to have a go at writing his own stories and selling them!

So that's it for this week.

I am now going to see if I can link up with Julia via my phone - I may be gone for some time 😀

xx Jo


  1. Ah! A budding author. I hope he does succeed but even if not and he changes his mind he will have lots of fun along the way. It is a noble ambition and I hope he succeeds and makes his gran real proud (not that she isn't now anyway).
    Hugs Neet 10 xx

  2. Well done for beating the technology and linking up! Wow, that pic of th buttons has gladdened my heart this morning, so cheery and perfect for your twiddlers (I’m so sorry, I will never get over chuckling when I type that word, infantile I know but there it is *grin*). Lovely little cardi too, you’re a good soul doing that, I haven’t knitted a garment for ages, apart from hats!
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  3. Really love the little cardi...such gorgeous yarn. I'm glad you enjoyed your outing with Ben...Sam enjoyed it too.
    Annie x

  4. How lovely to have a budding author in the family! I'm sure meeting one of his writing heroes will spur Ben on. Love those buttons - they are perfect for twiddling. The ballet cardi is lovely. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Ellie x #19

  5. LOL I feel your pain - I hate doing things on the phone, but it seems you have managed just fine! I do love buttons and there are some lovely colours there. What fun, the Wimpy Kid books are great fun. Hope Ben keeps on with his dreams!! Happy WOYWW, have a good week, love n h ugs Cindy xx #7

  6. Hi Jo, I shall look forward to seeing the books that Ben produces. Nice little cardi and the buttons are beautiful too and will be very useful. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x12x

  7. How brilliant that Ben is so enthused by his favourite author Jo. Loving those buttons and the cardie looks fab. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  8. That sounds a fun trip with Ben - how lovely that he wants to write his own stories! Great buttons to be gifted. Helen #1

  9. My granddaughter loves those books too. Maybe Ben will become a famous author. Happy WOYWW . Angela #8

  10. Some pretty bright colors with your buttons. Will be a good thing for your projects. AND I love kids to enjoy books. Most every Christmas my 2 sons got books ! Inspirational as they got older !!! We have had some warm 45 degree days and so nice to be out and about with no winds. Otherwise I stay home and jostle things here and there. HAVE a fun weekend.


  11. Those buttons are so bright and cheery and will be perfect for your lovely twiddlers.
    Wishing Ben all the very best for his writing ambitions I hope we get to see his books on the bookshelves one day.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.