Wednesday 16 November 2022


Good morning all.

Just a quick post today. I have been filling my spare time with admin for Tilly Tea Dance this week, but I did manage an afternoon making a few Christmas cards.

I found an idea on Pinterest and dipped into my stash to make six cards. Slow but sure. . .

I spent a while trying to upload this pic on my phone but then gave in and came to the PC to do it.

It's a steep learning curve for a bear of little brain when it comes to all this techy stuff! 

So that's me for this week.

Today I will be mostly numbering and labelling artwork!

Have a great week.

xx Jo


  1. Gorgeous card Jo. Well done you for mastering the tech.
    Annie x

  2. Well it’s fab to see you whichever techy route you took! Love that card, the soft silvery shimmer is very beautiful indeed. Hope the work for Tilly goes quickly and smoothly xx
    HUgs LLJ 7 xxx

  3. You and me both with the techy stuff! A friend gave me some ear buds and they took time to get used to wearing and using the phone with them. Still not remembering to do the 'tapping'
    Have a great week, hugs, Neet 4 xx

    1. Well you are better than me Neet. I would not know what to do if the phone rang! I just use my buds for music while I'm walking!!

  4. Sweet card and well done you for having a go at the Tech stuff!! I often remind my kids that I was looking at the internet when every page was just that - a page of text and 1 picture! But it's all got away from me now. Happy WOYWW, have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #6

  5. It's the techy stuff that stops me from updating my 'equipment'. It's hard for me to imagine being the Technology Manager back in the day . . . *laughing* - remembering the 1999 'virus' that never was!!!
    Love your card, so differrent.
    Christine #17

  6. I couldn't post from a phone. Well done with the cards I'm running out of time ! Happy woyww Helen #1

  7. Lovely card Jo. I've never tried posting from my phone as I only really use it for texts and phone calls and the odd photo. I'm trying at the moment to get my head round the C Cards but need to get my finger out for sure. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x9x

  8. Your card is lovely, so different to anything I have seen so far. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

  9. Oh what a lovely card Jo. Hope you manage to sort uploading from phone soon. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  10. That's a lovely design for your Christmas cards.
    You could not be doing anything better than helping your daughter.
    Have a great week
    Hugs, Neet xx4

  11. A beautiful card, Jo, well done! The candle is such a hopeful message
    Take care
    Lynnecrafts 15

  12. Beautiful card Jo. I have had trouble commenting on some of my favourite blogs so this is my second try.


  13. Homemade cards are always very special and a joy to receive. Your candle card is perfect.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.