Wednesday 9 November 2022


 Well folks - back to square one!

As soon as I linked my phone to my Wifi I was denied access to Julia's blog again.

So do you think if I run down the street and try it from there, I might be able to link up!!

This week I have been mostly working for Tilly by sorting out all her stock for her exhibition at Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre in Craven Arms.

It is a slow process as each piece needs pricing and numbering and then, for the larger pieces, I have to dream up an appropriate name label. Winter Morning, Stretton Hills, Foxglove Hedgerow etc... 

She has some lovely pictures in her display so, hopefully they will sell well.

This is one of my favourites...

When I have finished them, I will take a photo and share it.

My evenings have been taken up with finishing off a few more twiddlers.

I just need to add a few more bits and bobs to some of them.

I thought I would make a few elvish faces for the Christmas ones.

Well. that's it for this week.

I hope you are all well and managing to keep cosy as the temperatures drop.

It's a nasty wet day here today so I am happy to spend it crafting.

xx Jo


  1. Oh the foxglove felted picture is stunning Jo. Loving the twiddlers too - so festive. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  2. Loving the purple picture!! Great twiddlers as well. Happy WOYWW Hope you can link up today! Helen #2

  3. Boo that you have a problem with the phone again, I can’t understand why that is. Glad you’ve had a busy week, that foxglove pic is stunning as are your twiddlers, they always make me smile! Have fun crafting indoors today, I’m off for my Covid booster..oh joy..!
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  4. Beautiful foxglove picture!
    Love your twiddlers too - especially the Christmas elves.
    With very best wishes for a Happy WOYWW!
    I am determined to call and comment on all of you this week!
    Susan #13
    Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

  5. Hi Jo, it was only yesterday that my husband and I were taking about your lovely Twiddlers. We were at my mums and he was looking at the one I gave her from you. I was asking him what he thought about them and he said they were very artistically done so there you are you are now offically listed as a true artist though i already thought that any way! Have a lovely creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x14x

  6. Really love Maxine’s picture and the latest twiddlers are fab.
    See you later.
    Annie x

  7. Lovely twiddlers and that foxglove picture is beautiful. I hope the sale goes well. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

  8. Max's pictures are wonderful and so are your twiddlers. Love the Christmas scenes. Adore the blue ones.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  9. That foxglove picture is so beautiful, Jo. Your twiddlers are lovely as ever.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 7

  10. Gosh I can’t imagine that Maxine’s art wouldn’t sell well, lovely exposure too at a Shropshire event. Hope she’s going to have a lovely busy Christmas sales season! Those little elf faces made me smile, you are an incredibly patient and gifted person…I can’t begin to get what’s in my head as an idea onto paper, let alone a dimensional piece! So sorry about the phone and the Wi-Fi, if you use it at home it automatically connects to your existing firewalls. Don’t want you having to slink out to Starbucks every Wednesday just to use their Wi-Fi, what a pain.


  11. Really like your latest Christmas twiddlers they are fab.
    I hope your friend does well with her exhibition at the Shropshire Hills Discovery centre. Her work is stunning.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.