Wednesday 28 September 2022



Good morning all!

The weather has turned very autumnal, so I have taken up my knitting again.

This week I made a little poppy themed twiddle mitt. The little flowers are very random - free crochet. i.e. I just make them up as I go along!

I need to find a few more bits and bobs to stitch on as twiddlers.

Below is Max modelling the pure silk, tie dyed dress that I made for my final exam at college - wait for it... 50 years ago! It was only worn probably once and is in perfect condition and beautifully made - if I say so myself. (I was awarded a distinction for it). It fits Max beautifully although I'm not sure she has an occasion to wear it. She shared it on Insta and got rave reviews - lol. I always say fashion goes in cycles.

The centre panel is free machined and beaded. and the back is tied with a long sash with the same design down its length.

Well, that's me for this week. I hope everyone who is coming to the Crop on Saturday has let Julia know. We think we are all organised and really looking forward to seeing you all.

See you soon!

xx Jo


  1. WHat a stunning dress Jo - well worthy of a distinction and Maxine looks fab in it. Really looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. I can well believe it got a distinction,it is stunning! Looks great on Max, too. Can't wait for the weekend, see you there! Helen #1

  3. Love the latest twiddler and that dress really brought back wonderful memories of when you made it.
    Annie x

  4. The dress is beautiful, that brings back a few memories for me when I was at college in the 70's. The new twiddler is amazing, anyone lucky enough to receive that would be so happy. I keep thinking I should make something like it for my mum who is 94 as she is always cold and it might be suitable to keep her hands warm but we'll see. Look forward to seeing you Saturday and wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x10x

  5. That dress is beautiful - what a lot of work but what a terrific result. I hope Maxine gets to wear it somewhere.
    Love the latest Twiddler - so glad it is twiddler season again.
    Hugs Neet 4 xx

  6. Morning Jo. Great dress! Well done - not surprised you got a distinction! Lovely twiddler too - love the wriggly worm!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  7. Double Wow's this week - what a gorgeous twiddler, poppies are a favourite of mine and really pop against the greens. And Wow what a stunning dress - I'm not surprised you got a distinction for it and Max looks fabulous in it.
    I hope you have a great crop and I look forward to hearing all about it, and seeing photos, next week!
    Diana xx #11

  8. Wow that's a stunning dress - it is a shame it hasn't been worn more. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday, will be lovely!! Happy WOYWW, Cindy xx #14

  9. Wow, Jo, that is a stunning dress and now you can call it vintage as well! It fits Max perfectly! Must look her up on Instagram! The twiddler is another winner! I can see why making them is better suited to cooler temperatures - a bit like Christmas cards - you don't want to make them in the summer! Have a lovely week! xx zsuzsa #16

  10. Always such a joy to see your Twiddlers come to be Jo ⭐ tooo your gorgeous dress Max is modelling,can understand why you received a distinction ... hopefully it might get worn more 😘 too pretty to stay hanging in a wardrobe ❤ Wishing you the best of times for the crop at the weekend 🤸❤ look forward to hearing all about it. Love and hugs Tracy #13 xxx

  11. What a fabulous dress! Love the poppy twiddler. Thank you so much for the work you are doing for the crop. Happy WOYWW. Angela #9

  12. Wow!! stunning dress and stunning model!
    Are you bringing them with you on Saturday? lol

  13. That was a gorgeous dress, Jo! Your twiddler is lovely as well. Enjoy the crop
    Lynnecrafts 5


  14. Stunning dress. Your talents were clear very early on I think. No wonder you got a distinction. It looks lovely on Max.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.