Wednesday 12 October 2022


Just a quick post today as I have yet another busy week this week.

Last week after all the fun of the WOYWW Crop we went off to Monmouth for a few days.

We were lucky to have good weather and had a lovely time visiting local places of interest. We thought Monmouth and its surroundings were beautiful.

I know you all saw lovely photos of our day together at the Crop. Thanks for all the comments about the day. It really was good to get together with you all.

Here are the all the little items that you kindly shared with me.....

AND this is my prize that I won in the raffle....

Eva - Sarah's friend had donated them and I was thrilled to receive them. (As you know, I am not really a card maker, so they will come in very useful).

So, that's me for this week.
I probably won't be visiting your desks to comment but will pop to see what you have been up to if I get an opportunity.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. Glad you had a good trip away after the hard work of organising the crop! It was great to see you again . Happy WOYWW Helen #3

  2. Enjoy your week Jo. I’ve linked you.
    Annie x

  3. Hi Jo, loving the photos of your trip, you deserved a little holiday. I can't tell you how happy I was to meet everyone at last. Take care and sending best wishes for a happy woyww, Angela x9x

  4. The break in Monmouth was well deserved, hope you had a fab time!
    Hugs LLJ 1 xx

  5. So happy to hear you had sometime away. It seems so important lately to be able to enjoy adventures. Love the photos you have shared. The crop looked so fun. Eva's cards are really beautiful. We are enjoying a much needed rain....was getting dangerously dry with all the field work fires are so dangerously quick burning. And in the country water is not readily available in fields. Have a great week

  6. Well deserved break!
    We had a lovely time at the Crop and the food was delish. Dee was made to feel so welcome, she had a great time meeting everyone.
    Christine #17

  7. Wondered if the good weather had stayed with you, The Sunday was a gorgeous day for travelling home, so glad you enjoyed Monmouth! We all enjoyed the crop so much, and seeing you was good in so many ways, thank you again. Hope your busy week is a a bit fun too!

  8. Glad your enjoyed your time away. Have a great week, Angela #16

  9. A well deserve break I think! We have plans to visit Wales one day. Happy WOYWW, Chrisx #18

  10. Glad you had a rest after all that organising Jo. Thanks again for a lovely day. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  11. Sorry meant to say my mum loves the Twiddle Mitt. I had put a photo on the Friday Fun post last week of mum holding it but don't think you were around. You can find it here if you would like to see it:
    Take care and have a great time away. Hugs, Angela xXx

  12. How fun to have a little mini vacation! Beautiful photo!
    Love seeing all the goodies from the Crop. And what a nice raffle winning!
    Have a great day!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.