Wednesday 21 September 2022



Well, that week flew by didn't it!

It was a fairly quiet, reflective week for me. I was saddened by the loss of Queen Elizabeth and truly amazed to see how many folk queued to pay their respects in one way or another.

I thought the funeral on Monday was such a credit to all involved. The music was especially lovely and so good to see the military bands at their best.

So, I had a little time for card making and made this "Yoshi" (Mario Game) card for Ben. It's one of his favourite characters so hopefully he will love it.

Then, on Sunday I spent the day riding on the Severn Valley Railway. It was a lovely day although I have suffered since as I think I got a speck of dust/soot in my eye, and it was a real nuisance for a day or two.

It was a Steam Gala Weekend so there were lots of lovely engines to enjoy.

It is only about 40 minutes from here, so we are lucky to go down there at least once a year.

I hope you are all well and that those that are coming to join us at the Crop on October 1st have let Julia know. I am ordering the food this week. We are looking forward to seeing you all!

See you soon.

xx Jo


  1. Love the card Jo as I’m sure Ben will. I’m linking you now x
    Annie x

  2. There will be a happy boy when he sees that card! Sorry I won’t be with you at Shrewsbury as we are still awaiting news about Norrie’s eye surgery x Catriona

  3. Morning Jo. Oh, how lovely - a day on the Severn Valley Steam Railway - my son in law will be green with envy. He really rather enjoys being on a steam train!!! Mind you.../ he's not the only one - so do I!!! I like that particular ride - it's a great journey.
    See you October 1st
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  4. The card is great ! I'm hoping the latest train strikes don't scupper me though they're meant to be on Saturday so fingers crossed. I enjoyed-although that seems wrong to say- Monday , it was a credit to all Helen #2

  5. Hi Jo, You are so lucky I love trains but don't get chance to go on them very often. Hope your eye is better soon too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x9x

  6. Eva and I are looking forward to the crop too Jo. I am sure Ben will love his card - it's fab! Hope the eye is better. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  7. Adoreable Yoshi card Jo ⭐🦖 sure it will be loooved ❤ by Ben. Beautiful way to spend a day on a steam train 🚂 but so sorry to read about your eye,hoping it feels much better soon. Sending love and hugs Tracy #15 xxx

  8. I love it when you talk about food!!! Looks like a great day out on the Railway, just the ticket to make the most of these sunny last days. Hoped your eye is completely clear now, it’s amazing how much of an irritant such tiny things can be. I expect Ben will be delighted with the card, you are very street smart with a grandson of his age…I didn’t have a clue about that character!

  9. I am sure he will love that card. The steam trains day sounds lovely. We watched nearly all day Monday. The crowds were amazing and the whole thing was very well organized. Happy WOYWW. Angela #18

  10. Great card for Ben, though I didn’t know the character either! How lovely to have a trip on the train though the smut in your eye must have been awful, it was have been worse with my contact lenses too. Hooray for Crop planning, I’m sorry I won’t be there but you know the reason why, I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  11. The card is super Jo. I agree with all you have said re the funeral.
    Sadly I can't make the crop :-( - have been in touch with Julia. I'm sure it will be amazing. Anne x 22

  12. That is a great card for Ben.I'm sure he will love it.
    The Severn Valley railway is a great place to spend some time with steam engines.

  13. Yoshi looks wonderful - Tim has a cuddly Yoshi above his desk! I adore steam trains and the gala sounds wonderful. I am so looking forward to seeing you again. Take care, with love & God bless, Caro xxx (#11)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.