Wednesday 10 August 2022



Good morning all - I am a bit late posting today.
I had two lovely days of activity with Ben so, I am not making excuses, I just had no time for computer play.

We sat in the shade on my patio on Monday with the water colours. This was Ben's plan...
"Nanny we can paint little pictures and then you can buy mine from me.
I will give you £1 if you paint four pictures for me."
"Then I will sell your pictures - probably for £1 each."

There is a business man there I think!
His rock pool picture was entirely his own work as we sat chatting in the garden - bliss.

Yesterday we had a day in Chester.
There was a magnificent Lego model of the Cathedral inside as we went to look at Pete Waterman's model railway in there. Ben bought a Lego brick to raise funds for the Cathedral and the ladies helped him put it in place and showed him where the Lego workmen were working on the tower where it would go.

He wasn't so impressed with the model railway. It was a long thin track with nowhere near as much detail as his Grandad's models. He is becoming quite the expert at seven!

So, a day of fun but with the walking and the heat - quite energy sapping.

Today I am recovering in the cool.

I hope you are managing to enjoy the sun when you can, but being sensible and keeping cool.

Have a good week.

xx Jo


  1. Well done to the budding businessman. Love his pic.
    Annie x

  2. A lovely painting. I always enjoy a trip around Chester, although we rarely Go there funnily enough. Happy WOYWW. Angela #6

  3. Go Ben!! glad you had a great time with him, his painting is fab and love his business spirit. I'm surprised about Peter Waterman's railway, I thought it would be impressive he's know as a railway nut! the Lego model sounds good fun though. Helen #3

  4. That brings back memories, not been to Chester for years. I used to teach in Wigan and often popped over there for a day out. Loving the painting. Ben is a great artist and a future Business man. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x9x

  5. Sounds like you and Ben have had a lot of fun together Jo. Love his business sense and his picture! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW> Sarah #12.

  6. We saw the railway layout on YouTube and thought much the same, it’s big but not that interesting! The Lego c ate herbal is a fab idea though, love that idea. Yep, Ben has the right idea, 25% mark up is a pretty good profit, lol!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  7. Hi Jo. I can't believe Ben is 7. Where did that time go? We recently had our granddaughter's for a sleepover. Lots of fun. Take care . Anne x 14 I think.

  8. Oh Jo, I laughed out loud at Bens idea of bargaining, aren’t they funny? and it is a lovely painting. I loved Chester and walked around the walls and saw some lovely things popping down at various times, some nice gardens quite old from memory.
    Thanks for popping over and for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  9. How lovely to spend time with Ben and he is quite the artist! Too hot for me Jo, so I have hardly done anything! Happy weekend.

  10. Just visiting now I’m back from Wales. Your Ben has his head screwed on! I saw a post on Facebook where someone paid their son $1 for every book he read - seemed a great idea. His picture was lovely.
    Enjoy your time with him
    Lynnecrafts 11

  11. Painting with Ben sounds like fun -he'll soon be a millionaire with such profits. Chester in the heat - time spent in the cool of the cathedral must have been great! Hugs, Chrisx #17


  12. Ben's painting is lovely. What an astute young businessman he is.
    We visited Chester last year and the lego cathedral. Somewhere in the model are our bricks too. It really will be something special to see when it is finished.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.